God Kept Us Safe


Hello my friends

How have ya been?  I guess ya might of kind of noticed
that I didn’t write anything last Sunday huh!  Well,  the
reason for that was that Judy I and the boys took a drive
down southbound to Texas Monday May 12th to see my
family and friends.  We had quite an eventful drive with
our little car and its age LOL.  We lost a cylinder in the
state of Massachusetts and had to drive the rest of the
way through the Appalachian mountains hehehe.   Our
little car struggled each of the up hill climbs with some
sputtering,  but it made it to its final destination Texas.
My mom gave us her car and she used our car for the
trade in so she could buy herself a new car.  The Nissan
dealer gave her 500 dollars for the trade in hehehehe.
Our little red 1995 Mazda is now headed for destinations
unknown.  I’m gonna sure miss that little car.  I’ve had
it for 19 years and it’s spent over 12 years getting Judy
and I where we needed to go.  It was sort of  like part
of our family :).  Yes I cried as I kissed its hood and
said goodbye to it :).  Many memories have been made
in that little red car.  Judy and I have made many trips
to Port Aransas in it,  not to mention all of my many
drives I took in it before Judy and I met and also the
many that we took together.  Yes,  I know it was only
a car,  but it was with us from the beginning and it was
the first brand new car I ever bought and it might be
the last.  Judy and I are now the proud owners of a
2009 Nissan Rogue that we’ve named the Phantom
due to its color hehehe.  My mom bought herself a
new one.  Now we’re a family of Rogues LOL.  Mom
has a bluish grey one and we have our phantom white.
We enjoyed our visit with the many that we were
able to see.  I’m sad that my sister couldn’t make it
to my moms house before we left.  She said she was
going to come up Friday May 16th,  but she couldn’t
make it and my side and back were killing me from
my sleeping on the roll about twin bed that my mom
had set up for me.  Judy slept on the one that was
stable.  Plus Milo was getting sick due to what we
think was homesick.  He couldn’t seem to find him
a place to light.  Every time we let him out to go to
the restroom,  he would start eating the grass which
most surely didn’t agree with him causing him to
gag and wheeze along with throwing the grass up
and yet still insisting on eating the mess.  He has
eaten grass up here before,  but it has never done
him that way.  I read up on reasons dogs eat grass
and found about 3 causes.  1- he has a tummy ache
and that is how they deal with it.  2- he is agitated
and bored or 3- He’s just acting out.  I think it was
the number 2 answer.  He was agitated and bored.
The grass must of been a different variety than
what he is able to handle.  He has no trouble with
ours.  We’ve seen a few times that he has eaten
a little and it didn’t make him sick.  Those times I
was pretty sure he had a tummy ache.  All though
I do know to keep an eye on him,  because while
eating grass he could get worms from the grass,
so I’m always watching how he’s eating.  His diet
will tell whether or not he has worms or not.  Yet,
for now,  he still eats and is always wanting treats
which we only give him and Benny on special times
of the day when they’ve been good LOL and yes
they are most of the times pretty good boys hehehe.
Anyways,  back to our visit!  My sister posted that
she was planning on coming up Tuesday the 20th,
but Judy and  had decided we needed to get back
home and take care of my back and side as well
as Milo,  but we would of stayed another day if
we had known that she was coming to see us.  I’m
sad that I didn’t get to see my sister.  I love you
Peggy and I wish now that we would of hung on for
another day so I could of seen ya and given you
a hug.  Hopefully,  Judy and I will make it down
another day,  but the drive shouldn’t be near as
stressful as it was when we were driving our old
Mazda that limped to Texas on 3 cylinders hehehe.
You never know,  but if we do once agin come to
Texas,  we will not be driving straight through none
stop as we did this time.  Hopefully we will be able
to afford to sleep in a motel and not just stop in
the rest areas to grab a few winks.  Believe me,
that was not very restful.  We made it to Texas in
2 days and made it back in 2 days hehehe.  Now
that’s driving!  While in Texas we got to see my
daughter Jamye and granddaughter Sami.  That
was great.  I even got to see my grandmother in
the nursing home.  She’s 106 years old.  It was
so great seeing her.  She remembered me and
my mom which is grandmothers daughter,  took
our picture.  Grandmother smiled real big.  She
was like a second mom to me.  We had a nice
visit.  I also got to see my good friends which are
too many to name,  but here are a few though.
Robin F and her daughters Rachel and Sarah
and their children,  David and Sheila E,  Jimmy
and Tina C with kids Alicia and Hailey,  Ron
and Mandy at Century Computers and Gilda
and Kathy at LongBranch Dental.  We also got
to visit our good friends at Whataburger Huey,
Meka and Marlene.  I’m sure I missed a few
such as friends at Vansickle Baptist Church,
but the list has to stop here or I’ll never finish
this journal LOL.  All in all,  Judy and I enjoyed
our visit.  We were sad to have to leave,  but
life goes on.  We hadn’t really decided a length
of time to stay  We thought we might stay until
Friday the 23rd,  but it just didn’t happen.  With
my side getting worse and Milo seeming to be
getting sicker and we were unable to watch him
24-7 to make sure he didn’t eat the grass agin.
Mom treated us to I-Hop, Glenda’s restaurant
and of course to Whataburger :).  Milo fell in
love with Robins little dog Ginger hehehehehe.
It seems that the feelings were mutual 🙂 being
Robin said that Ginger is still looking for him.
Yes Benny and Milo have been fixed hehehe,
but they still have feelings ya know :).  The
weather in Texas wasn’t to bad.  It was on the
cool side all the while we were there.  LOL I
think we may have brought a little bit of our
weather with us on our journey to Texas LOL.
I took 1000’s of pictures,  but was able to do
a bit of deleting of many repeats and blurry
pictures as well as pictures that were really
just of nothing hehehe.  I’ll put few of them in
the stationery so if you’re receiving this in the
stationery style you’ll see a bit of our trip down
south.  I’ll put a few more in next weeks journal
of our visit as well as many that I took on our
trip back home.  God kept us safe.  When our
little Mazda lost a cylinder we prayed that it
would continue on the journey and bring us safe
and sound to my moms house in Texas and
God held it together giving it the strength
that it needed to make each and every hill.
Our hills in life are often hard to climb,  but
with a little prayer,  you can find the strength
to overcome them.  We all have struggles,  but
through Christ we can withstand them.  No
the struggles will not just all go away.  Many of
our struggles are what that make us stronger.
Without a few struggles,  we remain weak and
do not grow,  so thank God for allowing those
struggles in our lives and for helping us when
we are too weak.  Don’t let your perceptions
of journeys lead you down bitter roads.  Find
the blessings in the miles.  Now I believe it’s
time for me to be taking a little trip on back
through all I’ve written here to see if I can find
a good word or phrase that I can use for the
title for today’s brand new poem.  So it’s away
I go to that place of my recollection that I like
to always call RECOLLECT VILLE.  I believe
I may have found a good title and now after
checking I see that I haven’t used it as of yet.
So here goes nothing :).

God Kept Us Safe

Our southbound journey
far and wide
God kept us safe
along the ride.
He was there each
mile and more
to keep us safe
each opened door.
God kept us safe
as miles went by
with Hands of Love
that seemed to fly.
Our little car
fought every mile
to carry us
another while.
God kept us safe
and our car too
to let us see
our Texas view.
The Hands of God
are strong enough
to carry us
down roads so rough.
He saw our hearts
and climbed inside
to go along
our southbound ride.
Now we’re home
and safe and sound
but our old car’s
not around.
God let it find
a place to rest
in Texas soil
the very best.
So our journey
northbound way
had a better
day to day.
A better car
to bring us back
so safe and sound
a clickety clack.
God still holding
fast and tight
as our each day’s
found in sight.

©By Bill Pearce
May 25,  2014

Ok so it wasn’t one of my better poems hehehe.
I just thought I would write a poem about our lil
journey LOL.   I wrote another one about our
drive yesterday.  It’s a little better than this or
at least I think it is :).  No matter,  I hope you
liked this one at least a little bit.  We’re home
now safe and sound.  Benny and Milo hopped
out of the car excited to be home.  You could
tell that they were homesick.  Now they’re both
back to their old selves.  They’re lying in their
doggie beds in-between Judy and I right now.
So it’s time for me to hush and tell you what
I tell you every week and that is I wrote some
more poems and haiku.  Yeppers,  10 more
poems,  yet none Christmas this week hehehe.
I also wrote once again 22 more haiku for all
of my haiku lovers out there.  I hope you find
a few of one or the other that you like.  Now
it’s time for me to be searching for that silly
off switch that may have gone in a coma while
we were away LOL,  but not before I wish
you a most blessed memorial day and God
filled week.  Ok,  so where are ya hiding at
ya silly off switch?  You’ve had over a week
to find a good hiding place.  Aw  come on now.
You can do better than that hehehe.  Hiding
behind my Mountain Dew can only says ya
wanna get caught hehehehehehehehehehe.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce

Now on with the poems and haiku.
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Miles of Road

Roads of milestones
gather true
to show us daily
greater view.
Miles of road are
found to be
with so many
sights to see.
Even bumpy
roads of time
have some pleasant
things to find.
Journeys blessings
are well found
miles of road
to sight and sound.
Scenes God’s given
every day
on miles of road
in every way.
Look and see the
journeys kiss
that so many
often miss.

©By Bill Pearce
May 24 2014

Dances of Dreams

Seasons remembered
of fishes in streams
are recollections of
dances of dreams.
Even the hillsides
of seasonal phase
the dances of dreams
are still in my gaze.
Found deep within me
those times I recall
are dances of dreams
from winter to fall.
Then that’s between them
is dancing around
spring then to summer
with dancing dreams found.
Glimmers of thought waves
roll then thereunto
as they go dancing
with each daily view.
Seasonal shadows
of dances of dreams
display their beauty
in many extremes.
Some found as mellow
and others not so
with dances of dreams
from raindrops to snow.
Even the clouds that
float over head
often are mellow
and then not instead.
The dances of dreams
are many times made
from what’s envisioned
as minds lemonade.
Sometimes as bitter
and sometimes real sweet
our dances of dreams
each daily accrete.
Let not the nightmares
of passed days affairs
to steal away dances
of dreams filled with prayers.

©By Bill Pearce
May 24,  2014

Place In The Sun

As clouds billow onwards
the day is then done
found as a moments time
place in the sun.
Down on the ground are
shadows recruiting
a place in the sun
that daylight’s disputing.
Painted as morsels
with stories well told
a place in the sun
from young unto old.
Many find bitterness
others find joy
a place in the sun
that heavens employ.
God gives us chances
to better our gaze
a place in the sun
to our future days.
Pages are written
with seasonal hues
a place in the sun
from our daily views.
Look for the goodness
of windows of time
a place in the sun
that’s filled with divine.

©By Bill Pearce
May 24,  2014

Dreaming The Mystery

Looking for magical
things clear to see
some are just found
dreaming the mystery.
Wonders so visional
from wanted ways
dreaming the mystery
brings its displays.
Often as wintertime’s
snow falling down
dreaming the mystery
lies on the ground.
Then thinking other
the raindrops will fall
landing on moments times
that dreams recall.
Dreaming the mystery
gives us a view
found as the chances
to see things brand new.

©By Bill Pearce
May 24,  2014

Moon at Night

The glow I see
a ball of light
is that of joy
the moon at night.
It brightens hearts
as it shows true
the glow so big
and sometimes blue.
The scenes at night
are shadowed phase
the moon at night
which gives its gaze.
Times reflections
find their places
on the earthly
scenic faces.
Some as tree limbs
swaying around
the moon at night
that eyes have found.
The scene then changes
with its sight
to dawn of day
from moon at night.

©By Bill Pearce
May 24,  2014

A Rhapsody

The words of many
are often heard
not so clearly
word for word.
A rhapsody
of times affairs
often says
our do’s and dares.
The words combined
into a phase
often gives
a bitter gaze.
So don’t let voice
to emulate
a rhapsody
that many hate.
You’ll find better
that ones hear
when you speak
words so sincere.
A rhapsody
not wrong but right
that’s found proud
to then recite.
Written essence
ones can find
a rhapsody
of peace of mind.

©By Bill Pearce
May 24,  2014

Mountain Roads

Travels southbound
mountain roads
found some patterns
bitter rose.
For with uphill
climbing true
our car sputtered
there and to.
It was gasping
for some air
on the mountain
roads up there.
It lost a leg
a cylinder
leaving three
to grunt and whir.
Our little car
then found the top
and coasted down
to never stop.
Soon the miles
had flattened flows
from the sight of
mountain roads.
Our red car then
found the end
Texas bound
around the bend.
Stopping then
within its way
to end its ride
from day to day.
It’s now found
to not return
to mountain roads
that twist and turn.
Another car
now surely goes
on those winding
mountain roads.

©By Bill Pearce
May 24,  2014

Words Mistaken

Things we say
and show in sense
words mistaken
seem immense.
This and that
of then and there
words mistaken
Don’t let words to
be mistaken
that ones might just
then partaken.
Try to clearly
say so true
what you’re meaning
through and through.
Words mistaken
need to be
so ones can see.

©By Bill Pearce
May 24,  2014

Lingering Warmth

Warmth of summer
comes each day
replacing coldness
winters way.
Lingering warmth
finds the night
after evenings
sunshine light.
Every moments
timeless hue
lingering warmth
is me and you.
Finding favor
in the window
things we see
a slight crescendo.
Lingering warmth
from sunny skies
fills the nights
with great surprise.
Starlight scenes
with beckoned hues
lingering warmth
conveys its views.
Summer sunny
skies find peace
lingering warmth
with slight release.

©By Bill Pearce
May 24,  2014

Night Becomes Her

She looks with eyes
so dark and brown
and finds my eyes
a joyous sound.
Sweetest music
then displays
as her eyes find
future days.
Night becomes her
open eyes
as she fills me
with surprise.
Loving brown eyes
glimmer true
night becomes her
Each day dawning
she is seen
looking in
my eyes of green.
Night becomes her,
but she thrives
even as
the day arrives.
She’s my darling
honey pie
night becomes her
as blue sky.

©By Bill Pearce
May 24,  2014

To Judy Pearce
From Bill Pearce – Me 🙂

for May 24,  2014

Clouds accumulate
when they’re preparing to rain
or just decorate.

Life is a surprise
that makes many to ponder
just about the bad.

Looks can be hidden
behind a cloud of makeup
not showing the truth.

Forbidden pathways
can cause curiosity
and lead to trouble.

Morning comes shining
whether the sun shows or not,
so look for its signs.

Meaningless chatter
will often push ones away
for it’s waste of time.

Inside of nighttime
holds the imagination
that many dream of.

While standing alone
you create multiple sights
for ones to deduce.

Being too clingy
can cause ones suffocation
and push them away.

The storms of our lives
will often bring us lessons
that we can live by.

The sight of sunrise
brings glimmers of beginnings
with each breath we breathe.

Four paws found running
lay down a path of footprints
that tell where they’ve been.

A birds own echo
will be heard across the way
not showing its perch.

As minutes tick on
our future becomes our past
with no turning back.

Making decisions
needs you to accept the truth
and change if it’s bad.

Rooftops only leak
when it’s raining or snowing
so fix them before.

Looking for starlight
might first find a few glimmers
of distant planets.

Lingering footsteps
find a journey through turnstiles
leaving their imprint.

Beyond what we see
is a place we imagine
while seeking its truth.

Believing in God
needs be done without seeing,
for He is present.

Ventures of many
end up on long dusty trails
leading to nowhere.

Facing the wrong way
needs you to decide to change
and find the right path.

©By Bill Pearce
May 24,  2014

God bless from Bill and Judy

{Moonlight and Owls by Judy Pearce}
It can also be found at Barns&Noble and Amazon
Judy’s New Poetry book 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂



Hello my friends
Happy Mothers Day to all the moms

It’s been a pretty un snowy week these passed days.  Yep,  the
snow has all finally melted away and I can see a few little buds
on trees awaiting to sprout leaves.  The grass is even turning
greener by the day.  Maybe soon,  Judy and I can make a trip
down south to see my family and friends.  The one thing that
we’re hoping is that our car can make it,  being that when we
do decide to come down,  we will be bringing Benny and Milo.
In any case,  we are taking it one day at a time.  The weather
up this way is quite nice.  A little rainy,  but there have been
some bright sunny days.  Right now it’s 64 F and partly cloudy
with 20 percent chance of rain.  The forecast for the week is
lower to mid 60’s with maybe a day or so of upper 50’s.  When
we do go down south I’m sure we’re gonna melt hehehe.  Ok,
so it’s onto another topic.  I’m hoping that I get a chance to go
fishing sometime this year.  The last time I went fishing was
in 2010 or so.  Yep,  I miss my old fishing bud.  Brian used to
live in one of the trailers near us,  but moved to Houlton a few
years ago.  Maybe one day soon we can head out to the lake
again and try to catch some fish.  Other than that I might set
my conga drums outside a few days this summer and do some
drumming videos :).  Benny and Milo have been wanting to
stay outside a little longer now days due to the nice weather.
Yet,  Benny is still always in search of a patch of snow to sit
in.  He simply loves snow,  but there is non to be found now
with the temperatures staying above freezing.  We still have
a few nights that it’s close to freezing,  even a few that are
below freezing.  Monday night is supposed to be around 34
degrees and my weather program shows that maybe by next
Sunday the nights low will be 27 F.  So,  you see,  the weather
is quite a bit different than that of down south hehehe.  Judy
fixed us some EGGO’s and sausage for breakfast so I had to
stop writing for a bit so I could eat.  She did like I always do
and fixed the boys a couple of sausages a piece for them to eat.
It’s looking like the sun is trying to peek out from behind the
clouds.  I opened the window in here to let in some fresh air
and Judy said she let down the screen on the front storm door
so to also let in some fresh air in that part of the house.  That
is one thing I miss being able to do during wintertime hehehe.
Can’t open the screen,  because we would freeze and maybe
even end up with it snowing in the house LOL.  I do love snow
though,  but it does tend to get old after the 3rd or 4th month.
Benny and Milo are lying in the floor sleeping right now after
us finally getting it through their tiny heads that they are not
going to get any treats.  They’ve both had 2 little sausage
links and that is enough.  If they are hungry,  there is dried
dog food in their food pans. We need to finish up trimming
them,  being we had to stop the other day due to our backs
going out and Benny and Milo getting fussy hehehe.  They
still have a lot of hair that needs to come off.  We’ve already
filled up 2 WalMart bags with the hair we cut off the other
day hehehe.  They look so much smaller when we cut their
hair LOL.  Hehehe Milo is snoring quite loudly,  but that’s
nothing new hehehe.  He starts snoring when he’s sleeping
sound.  Benny has begun snoring a little bit lately,  but not
anything like Milo LOL.  Milo has asthma like his dad 🙂
We both have asthma attacks time to time.  When he has
one I reach down to calm him down and relax him so he
can get his breathing under control.  He knows I am there
for him.  It’s a connection we have.  Benny connected
with me the day we brought him home from the airport :).
He rode in my lap and due to him holding his bladder
for over 5 hours in a crate on his flight from Missouri
to us,  he peed on me sort of marking his territory,  but
I’m sure not on purpose hehehe.  Ever since that day
he has found my lap as a sleeping spot.  If I pick him
up,  he will soon lay his head on my arm and go to sleep.
Milo has found here recently that he loves for me to
hold him as well.  Problem is,  they want me to hold the
both of them at the same freaking time and it’s not
possible for me to do comfortably hehehe.  Yes,  they
are spoiled,  but they are good boys.   They know when
I mean business by the tone of my voice.  I’m trying to
teach them the words that go with my voice so that I
don’t have to raise my voice.  Yes I do have a loud roar
and can scare the pants off of Bigfoot hehehe.  Hey,
my nickname is Animal ya know.  I have a big dog bark
which can make most dogs sweat LOL.  Ok,  so off of
that topic :).  The county road is busy today.  That’s
something you don’t hear much of during the winter
other than snowplows.  The roads are most surely in
need of repair due to ice heaves which have left many
holes in the roads.  They’ll almost jar your eyeteeth
out if ya still have em hehehe.  I’m looking forwards
to going picture taking to snag a few gems.  There’s
a lot to take pictures of up here.  Judy and I will ever
so often head out on a picture taking adventure.  We
both love photography if ya couldn’t tell hehehe.  God
surely new what He was doing when He put her and
I together.  We have our bad days,  but the good days
make it all worth while.  Nobody knows what is best
for us but God.  He allows many lessons to occur
in our lives as time moves along.  We might view an
instance as just turmoil,  but many times that moment
will bring ones together that otherwise would have
never found their paths connection.  Many will only
focus on the bad times and not open their eyes to
greater possibilities.  Don’t let the passed days of
sadness to live as your only sight.  Now with that
said I reckon I need to be taking my little trip back
through all that I’ve written here to that place of my
recollection to try and find a good word or phrase
that I can use for the title for today’s brand new poem.
So,  it’s away I go to that lil place that I always like to
call RECOLLECT VILLE.  It looks like I may have
found a title that I haven’t use already hehehehe.
Yep,  ain’t used it!  So,  here goes.


Living life
of destiny
many find
just you and me.
Thinking true
so many things
the season brings.
Yet so many
never view
what in life
that’s really true.
Thinking life
is moneys gain
to then attain.
Money isn’t
always good,
for some don’t
do what they should.
Not allowing
God’s Own Love
speak to them
from up above.
can be found
when your on
God’s solid ground.
Let His Son to
guide your days
within His Ways.
Yes of course
some troubles find
places in
your time to time,
but you’ll have
His strength so great
to achieve
a better date.

©By Bill Pearce
May 11,  2014

Well,  I never said it was gonna be a good poem hehehe.
I hope you enjoyed my rambling of words and maybe even
the poem :).  I just heard the front door close and went to
check and saw Judy sitting on the front steps giving Benny
a hair cut LOL.  I guess Milo is next hehehe,  but He don’t
know it yet.  He’s lying in the floor next to me.  Judy just
came in saying Benny got away from her hehehe.  After I
finish writing I will help her.  LOL Judy was cleaning out
the car and found in the glove box the cars registration
for 2014-15 hehehe.  We registered it in February hehehe.
I guess I better finish up here and put those stickers on
our license plates LOL.  So,  it’s time for me to tell you
what I tell you every week and that is,  I wrote some more
poems and haiku.  Yep,  10 more poems,  but this week
I wrote 2 Christmas poems :).  I also wrote 22 more haiku
for all of my haiku lovers out there.  I hope and pray that
you find one or two of one or the other or both that you
like.  Now it’s time for me to be searching for that silly
off switch that tries once in a while to hide from me,  but
not before I wish you a most wonderful blessed week and
also a Happy Mothers day.   Happy mothers day mom.
I love you bunches and look forward to seeing you again
real soon.  Ya never know LOL!  Ok so where’s that
off switch hiding?  Last week he didn’t even try to hide.
This time it looks like he decided to hide behind my
nose spray and would of stayed hidden if he hadn’t of
got it to rocking back and forth hehehehehehehehehe.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce
and Benny and Milo

Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Fear of Shadows

Scenes in darkness
might expose
a moments time
that no one knows.
Fear of shadows
little light
can become our
greatest fright.
Sometimes shadows
are just that
maybe a dog
or a pussycat.
Often shadows
floating clouds
that we debate.
Fear of shadows
can become
your own chosen
beating drum.
By not letting
shadows fear
live as things
you think you hear,
you can find
some other clue
of what’s really
there to view.

©By Bill Pearce
May 10,  2014

Mirrored Sights

Ones reflections
that they see
might not be
Many only
view their sight
as a better
form of light.
Mirrored sights
are often seen
as ones only
made up dream.
Let the mirror
show you true
how you’re needing
change in you.
Don’t let fiction
live each day
showing ones
a liars way.
You might find truth
sets you free
being who you’re
meant to be.

©By Bill Pearce
May 10,  2014

Behind The Eyes

Within ones sight
the brain perceives
behind the eyes
what time conceives.
The inner thoughts
of day and night
might be wrong
yet might be right.
Behind the eyes
so many view
maybe falsely
maybe true.
The minutes soar
with seconds size
with the thoughts
behind the eyes.
Surmised thinking
might fall prey
behind the eyes
of yesterday.
For then was then
and now is now,
so look and see
what times endow.
Find the better
answered why’s
from the thoughts
behind the eyes.

©By Bill Pearce
May 10,  2014

The Garden of Time

With flowers blooming
colors shine
found within
the garden of time.
Then with ticking
time moves on
to another
distant dawn.
The garden of times
summers breeze
shimmers sunrise
rustling trees.
Time moves on to
leaves that sway
with fall colors
day to day.
Then as minutes
move along
the leaves all fall
and soon are gone.
Time’s awaiting
winters show
found within
some flakes of snow.
Falling displaying
there design
found within
the garden of time.

©By Bill Pearce
May 10,  2014

A Dreamers Eyes

As heartbeats sway,
a dreamers eyes
brings about
a times surprise.
Venturing sunsets
of where to be
a dreamers eye
will try to see.
The many thoughts
of hearts desire
a dreamers eyes
display a fire.
Burning churning
many things
what a heartbeat
surely brings.
A dreamers eyes
can sometimes find
a fragrant rose
in scents of time.
Due to flavors
what’s and why’s
some will find
a dreamers eyes.

©By Bill Pearce
May 10,  2014

December Days

While watching clouds
of whites and greys
I’m reviewing
Christmas days.
Thoughts that live
as white as snow
falling down
a steady flow.
December days
of passion view
are as Christmas
love so true.
Lights all lit up
here and there
December days
of when and where.
Many singing
songs of joy
December days
that I enjoy.
Peace goodwill
through God’s Own Son
December days
are number one.

©By Bill Pearce
May 10,  2014

Snow Footsteps

As summer ends
it gives birth a view
with that of cold winds
blown there and to.
Then in the instance
that snowflakes fall down
there are snow footsteps
made on the ground.
With indentations
in Decembers snow
there are snow footsteps
made to and fro.
Leaving my footprints
mailbox and back
seeming to look like
a white railroad track.
Marking each footstep
with just but a phase
found as beginnings of
December days.
Christmas gets closer
as each day goes by
with the snow footsteps
that my feet apply.
Yet now is springtime
with summer to come
with me just dreaming of
white snowy fun.
With my snow footsteps
walking in phase
dreaming of Christmas
in December days.

©By Bill Pearce
May 10,  2014

Mornings Story

In the dawn of day
life breathes a sigh
sometimes found
hello goodbye.
Mornings story
many read
a simple sentence
all they need.
Words are found
in wind and rain
some to lose
and some to gain.
The story starts
with its own cue
mornings scenes
of newest view.
Displayed moments
certain scenes
might be as
some rushing streams.
Speaking phrases
little roar
as the stream
is shore to shore.
Mornings story
brings a place
that can give
a smiling face.
Seen with passion
of its glory
there are sights of
mornings story.

©By Bill Pearce
May 10,  2014

Many Miles

Traveling forwards
ahead with design
many miles gather
from their time to time.
Thoughts as tread marks
journey on
from time to time
another dawn.
Many miles flourish
with just a gaze
found as a whisper
of traveling days.
The scenes we pass
with miles we tread
leave their footprints
in our head.
Certain momentums
display so real
many miles
we see and feel.
Our other senses
come into play
with many miles
from day to day.

©By Bill Pearce
May 10,  2014


Summer is coming
with sunflowers bloom
found in the essence of
May unto June.
Scenes so transfixing
are found oh so bright
as some sunflowers
are seen by daylight.
Changes awaken
in summertime’s sun
showing how weeds are
sunflowers done.
Bringing in colors of
yellow to see
displayed as beauty
for you and for me.
Sunflowers glimmer
in daytimes sunlight
then go to sleep
in the darkness of night.

©By Bill Pearce
May 10,  2014

for May 10,  2014

Life is confusion
filled with many surprises
that we may not like.

Looks of a blind man
might just display their insight
and not their vision.

Many will stumble
as life displays surprises
they weren’t ready for.

Placing a marker
on a path you have walked on
will help you get home.

Morning brings sunrise
with its many forms of life
that some never see.

Spring becomes summer
as it fades from the picture
with summertime’s heat.

A bumpy roads life
leaves many parts of itself
in broken down cars.

Lives of a turnstile
will often just wilt away
leaving memories.

When counting seconds
the minutes might seem longer
than they really are.

Links to another
might be found in strange places
we never had thought.

Words of a liar
are often found not believed
even when they’re true.

The winds of winter
blow as a cold breath of air
that freezes your mind.

Receiving a kiss
can be a great thing to have
unless it’s a lie.

The names of people
do not determine their lives,
for it’s just a name.

Many seek true love
at the wrong times and places
and end with despair.

Learning who you are
gives better chances for growth
if you don’t give up.

Beyond what we see
are often just illusions
that our mind perceives.

With death there is life
which begins a new journey
that’s never ending.

Many seek better
when it’s right before their eyes
and they walk away.

Numbers are numbers
and do not decide knowledge
for some never learn.

Allowing a flower
to be crowded by some weeds
could suffocate it.

True love finds its time
when the dots are connected
in the right patterns.

©By Bill Pearce
May 10,  2014

God bless from Bill and Judy

{Moonlight and Owls by Judy Pearce}
It can also be found at Barns&Noble and Amazon
Judy’s New Poetry book 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Don’t Let Anxiety


Hello my friends

It’s been a nice passed week around here with the weather
warming up a little bit.  Right now it’s 50 F degrees and the
high for today is supposed to 53.   It’s a little rainy outside,
but I don’t mind that.  I didn’t do much picture taking this
week mainly due to my forgetting to put the camera card
back in my camera after saving the passed pictures to my
PC hehehe.  We were headed off to WalMart the other day
and when I tried to take a picture the camera displayed that
darned old no memory card message LOL.  Oh well,  I have
a few pictures I took Friday plus one or two that I took this
morning.  Yep the snow is all gone or is as far as I can see.
Wintertime has finally released its grip on us up here at
least for a little while hehehe.  I haven’t seen any signs of
flowers growing yet,  but the grass is slowly turning green.
Hehehe Benny is still looking for the snow.  Before it all
melted away,  he would find a spot and stand in it,  but now
there’s no spots to stand in other than water puddles and
that is bothering him LOL.  I keep telling him,  it will be
back again in a few months,  so have some patience and
enjoy the change.  When there was some snow outside,
he wanted to stay out as long as he could,  but now that
it’s gone,  he’s pretty much ready to come back inside
almost the same time as Milo LOL.  Of course he still
likes to sit on the porch and watch the neighbors and he
has learned a bit from Milo,  that when he’s done with
the outdoors he’ll bark at the door to say I’m ready to
come back in hehehe.  The season brings us a bit of a
break from the cold.  I’ve been hearing that we might
have a cool summer and I don’t mean cool as in far out.
It don’t bother me none.  I can’t handle hot weather
anyways.  That’s one of the things I don’t miss about
Texas hehehe.  All this week it’s supposed to be in
the mid 50’s to lower 60’s  unlike Greenville Texas
which is supposed to be in the mid to upper 80’s for
most of the week.  The temperature has gone down
2 degrees since I began writing a few minutes ago :).
Now it’s 48 F degrees.  Judy and the boys are in here
with me.  Benny and Milo have been fed and are now
lying in their doggie beds in the floor in between Judy
and I.  Life up here at the Pearce’s Place isn’t what
ones would call exciting hehehe.  We don’t have much,
but what we have we are content with.  Each day brings
another chance for photos and playing with the boys.
Judy’s playing a word game called Fowl Words on her
computer right now.  I also play it when I’m bored or
just wanting to pass the time.  She’s hung up on a word
and I’m trying to help her,  but I ain’t much help LOL.
My brain isn’t good with scrambled letters.  It’s only
good for scrambled eggs hehehe.  It’s raining a little
right now,  but I have the computer room window open
being the rain rarely ever comes from that direction,
but if it does,  I’ll close the window.  Yet for now it’s
nice getting some fresh air in here.  Judy and the boys
retired to the bedroom to watch The Smurfs Movie :).
I just turned it on in here LOL.  I’ve never seen the
movie hehehe.  It’s sort of silly,  but it’s something
decent to watch.  I see that Neil Patrick Harris is in it.
Anyways,  I’ve got the sound turned down so it doesn’t
distract me from my writing.  Now on with my journal :).
Looking out the window I can see little rain droplets
on the window,  but not worth shutting the window LOL.
The temperature has gone down a bit.  Now it’s 46 F.
The days have gotten longer and I kind of like that.
During wintertime it seems just as the day has begun,
it’s ending shortly after LOL.  I do love to see the
first snow.  That is a magical sight.  I just called my
mom up on the phone to give myself a break from
writing and while talking to her,  Milo started his
scratching at the door saying in his own little way
that he needs to go outside and potty,  so I let him
and Benny out for a bit to do their thing hehehehe.
My mom is doing OK.  I do miss our little shopping
sprees that we used to take.  Mom and me would
head off to WalMart at night when Judy was at
work and I would often buy Judy some flowers or
something for her to come home to.  Mom used to
treat Judy and I each Sunday at the Caddo Cafe.
We enjoyed the together time and I miss it very
much.  Life moves on,  but leaves us some great
memories.  Maybe,  if we make it to Texas this
month,  we can do some of those wonderful things
again :).  I let Benny and Milo back in just a few
minutes ago and now Benny is lying in here with
me in his doggy bed.  Milo is in the bedroom lying
on our bed with Judy and Judy is sound asleep.
I guess the Smurfs were not worth staying awake
for LOL.  This home has most surely been blessed.
We might have a few problems,  but we can make
it because God lives here with us.  Jesus walks
with us through each turnstile of trouble and helps
us withstand them and find answers.  Sometimes
the answer is to be still and wait.  Letting hurry to
take you over will sometimes cause destruction
from not thinking clearly.  Let peace find a place
within you as you intervene with daily struggles.
Don’t let anxiety to cause you to do something
that you might regret later.  Sometimes a little
prayer can calm you and allow you to think more
clearly.  Ok,  so now that I have done my bit of
rambling,  I think it’s time for me to be taking my
little trip back through all that I’ve written here
to see if I can find me a good word or phrase that
I can use for the title for today’s brand new poem.
So,  it’s away I go to that place of my recollection
that I always like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.
I think I may have found a good title and now
that I have checked to see if it has or has not
been used,  I find that wildly enough it’s one
that I haven’t used yet, which is a big surprise :).
So,  here goes!

Don’t Let Anxiety

When worries find you
with now and agin
don’t let anxiety
to lead you to sin.
Let Jesus help you
to find peace of heart
through a little prayer
for Him to impart.
Let each days journey
begin with a smile
no matter if sadness
is there are the while.
For as you’re smiling
a piece might find true
that is then living
so truly in you.
Don’t let anxiety
to lead you astray.
Take time for Jesus
in your day to day.
He will give peaceful
if you will allow
Him in your lifestyle
to then show you how.

©By Bill Pearce
May 4,  2014

I hope you weren’t bored to death by my rambling and
you maybe enjoyed the poem.  I never know if there is
anyone but me that understands my thoughts hehehehe.
I haven’t much else to say and I really need to hurry
because one of our favorite shows is coming on in 45
minutes or so called (Believe).  So I reckon I need to
be telling you what I tell you every week and that is
I wrote some more poems and haiku.  Yep,  10 more
poems yet with no Christmas poems this week hehehe.
I also wrote 22 more haiku,  but due to me getting just
a bit caught up in the moment,  I wrote 2 extra,  so I’ve
got 24 haiku this week for all of my haiku lovers out
there :).  I hope you find one or 2 of either or both that
you like.  Now it’s time for me to begin searching for
that semi elusive off switch,  but not before I wish you
a most wonderful and God filled week.  Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too.  Now to find that silly
off switch.  So,  this week you’re not even gonna try
to hide huh LOL.  Standing right in front of me with
a silly grin says it all :).  Ya wanna be caught because
you’re lazy LOL.  Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce
and Benny and Milo 🙂

Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22+2 hehehehehehehehe 🙂

Wheels of Life

Wheels are turning
fast and slow
what we do
and where we go.
Wheels of life are
found in phase
of our now
and distant days.
Life’s surrounded
with our choices
wheels of life
with many voices.
Learning discerning
truth and lies
wheels of life
hellos goodbyes.
With our visions
sometimes clouded
we find fears
that times enshrouded.
Time brings journeys
with some strife
hidden blessings
wheels of life.

©By Bill Pearce
May 3,  2014

Pointless Viewpoints

Looks portraying
now and then
pointless viewpoints
turn and spin.
Seamless looking
patterns find
pointless viewpoints
frame of mind.
With each different
walk of life
pointless viewpoints
duck and dive.
Journeys headway
times conceal
pointless viewpoints
how we feel.
Many blessings
come in sight
pointless viewpoints
wrong and right.
Even bad times
teach us true
pointless viewpoints
that we do.
So as journeys
fill your day
pointless viewpoints
walk their way.
Lessons come when
we will end
pointless viewpoints
times transcend.

©By Bill Pearce
May 3,  2014

The Color of Silence

As we envision
each day that we see
the color of silence
is found a degree.
Painted as willows
and flowers and trees
there is an echo
of what our mind sees.
The color of silence
without a mere sound
sometimes is blue skies
and often the ground.
Scenes we’ve transfixed on
as just blades of grass
the color of silence
is as time will pass.
Seen as a doorway
that time entered through
the color of silence
becomes the best view.

©By Bill Pearce
May 3,  2014

I’m At A Loss

With the minutes
ticking on
often thinking
seems as gone.
Left with fragments
turned to toss
I will say
I’m at a loss.
Clouded insight
weathered through
many choices
don’t accrue.
I’m at a loss
as time will pass
often when I
go too fast.
Yet if rest will
find my day
I’m at a loss
I will not say.
Because with rested
peace of mind
my thinking process
will unwind.
Finding answers
come across
I won’t say
I’m at a loss.

©Bill Pearce
May 3,  2014

Aspects of Winter

The signs of winter
fade away
with the passing
of each day
Aspects of winter
are so cold
often with
some snow to hold.
The season leaves
when spring arrives
showing how
each plant survives.
Growing bestowing
colors found
in the trees
and on the ground.
Aspects of winter
we remember
often stronger
passed December.
The scenes still live
inside my mind
aspects of winter
snows designs.
Flavored with a
scenic hue
aspects of winter
shadow through.
As dear winter’s
doorways close
spring displays a
fragrant rose.

©By Bill Pearce
May 3,  2014

Celebration of Life

Finding the joyful
within now and then
the celebration of life
will surely begin.
Seeing God’s blessings
in here thereunto
will help the passing
of sadness in you.
Seek for the goodness
that times will conceal
and dig out that smile
with a joyful appeal.
There are many pathways
for us to move on
dawn unto dusk
and dusk unto dawn.
Yet we will often
choose our own will
seeking for pleasures
for times to fulfill.
Don’t let your ego
to fill you with strife.
See how God’s given
celebration of life.
Found within a child
newborn to this world
giving us blessings
that each day’s unfurled.
Look now within you
and see to and fro
how with God’s guidance
you better can grow.
See the celebration
of life within you
that can become as
your each day anew.

©By Bill Pearce
May 3,  2014

Out of The Ashes

Found in the ashes
of times long ago
lessons from turnstiles
teach to and fro.
Scenes we remember
that did not go well
out of the ashes
we find more detail.
Like the bird phoenix
with wings set afire
out of the ashes
with greater desire.
Look passed the problems
and see one by one
lessons survival
on what can be done.
Rise from the ashes
of yesterday’s bomb
and out of the ashes then
learn to move on.

©By Bill Pearce
May 3,  2014

Two Hands

Having holding
hands in time
you with yours
and I with mine.
Two hands holding
life together
love and friendship
now forever.
Even after
passing on
two hands hold too
life beyond.
Two hands seeking
days ahead
can become as
surely fed.
Strengthened daily
two hands find
that it’s easier
time to time.

©By Bill Pearce
May 3,  2014

Passion Sage

Many gestures
found with age
come to us with
passion sage.
Learned through time
with cost of few
passion sage
what not to do.
Many journeys
might seem best,
but our passion
fails the test.
For our wanting’s
raging fire
becomes passion
in entire.
Let those days of
passion sage
become lessons
age to age,

©By Bill Pearce
May 3,  2014

The Perfect Flaw

Chances taken
large and small
often makes the
perfect flaw.
Risky business
day and night
many find
that they’re not right.
The perfect flaw
in life’s accord
comes with grace
from our sweet Lord.
Different people
finding true
not like me
and not like you.
It’s our flaws
that make us whole
as each difference
finds its goal.

©By Bill Pearce
May 3,  2014

for May 3,  2014

Today has turnstiles
that have choices we must make
to enter or not.

Found in a footprint
are some directions to see
either good or bad.

With a little breath
there is life found within it
that we might not see.

Beyond a shadow
is the existence of life
hidden within time.

While watching the clouds
there are many things to see
found inside your mind.

An aging person
carries knowledge good and bad
found through their lifestyle.

With wandering minds
comes an elusion of life
transfixed on changes.

Seeing with closed minds
will only find you blindness
found in your journey.

Afterlife’s belief
gives more hope for our future
so why not believe.

Looks within wrinkles
holds the passing of lifestyles
found in frowns and smiles.

Springtime is in sight
as wintertime fades from view
leaving only thoughts.

A snow dog seeks snow
in the midst of only rain,
but it keeps searching.

Tomorrows insight
could become your own downfall
expecting the worst.

Pieces of minutes
live on inside the future
as our memories.

Found in the silence
are words that might be heard
as that of actions.

Looking in mirrors
might show you what’s deep inside
that others don’t see.

Scenarios found
are sometimes just ideas
not founded by fact.

Links to another
might be just from perception
and not by the truth.

When someone prospers
there’s often a price that’s paid
by yet another.

Now’s enlightenment
could be due to yesterdays game
that cost you a lot.

When in a nightmare
let yourself to find a dream
inside a blessing.

Changes through each day
come as many surprises
some good and some bad.

With but a moment,
time can become a gateway
leading to teardrops.

Angers explosion
can make it hard to find peace
after it’s been done.

©By Bill Pearce
May 3,  2014

God bless from Bill and Judy

{Moonlight and Owls by Judy Pearce}
It can also be found at Barns&Noble and Amazon
Judy’s New Poetry book 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂