Swaying in The Breeze


Hello my friends

How have ya been? I hope you’ve been enjoying the summer.
Judy and I have been getting out as often as possible, but now
it’s getting where I can barely walk, so it’s off to the hospital
tomorrow to have my ankle looked at. I am afraid it’s fractured.
It’s still badly swollen and hurts in the back of it when I try to
put weight on it or bend it. I hope the doctors can fix it. I hate
sitting around the house. Also Judy has been having to do many
of the things I used to do such as feed the boys and let them out
when they’ve gotta go potty. Yet, I’ve still gotta make my own
trips to the bathroom LOL. She can’t do that for me, but wish
she could hehehe. In any case, life goes on! The weather has
been nice lately. Right now it’s 74°F degrees at 1:20 PM. Not
too bad. The temperature for the week is supposed to range
from the low 70’s to the mid 70’s. The boys are doing well :).
They’re both asleep in their doggy beds on the floor right next
to me. I had been resting my foot and ankle in one of the beds,
but Milo thought my foot looked like a pillow and laid down
on it. Had to end that story LOL. He’s now down there just
a snoring away. Yes, Milo snores LOL. I have my new PC
that has XP with Outlook Express on it set up beside me now.
I can use it to make my stationery and send my emails, being
Windows Live will not do as I want it. I had thought I had the
folders fixed on it last night, but as I opened up the email to
check the addresses and folders a bit ago, I found that it has
once again undone all that I did. So, I guess I will have to
continue using XP with Outlook Express to send my emails
as well as make my stationeries. I hope those nimrods that
made Windows 8 fix their piece of garbage soon. So far it
has proven to be a few steps back in technology, not steps
in the right direction. I’m not sure if Window’s 7 was this
much trouble, but from what I’ve heard it wasn’t and I think
it had Outlook Express. Just guessing though! I’m stuck
with what came on this PC at the moment LOL. I would be
writing my journal on the other PC, but at the moment I
have only a 15 inch monitor hooked to it and plus all of my
poems and journals are on this PC. Hard to explain, but
I can export all my emails to Windows Live from Outlook
Express, but cannot export from Windows Live to Outlook
Express. Make any sense to ya LOL? I’ll survive. Heck
maybe one day they will rectify their error and provide a
fix for Windows 8 that will correct the issues with Windows
Live Email. In the mean time I will keep on as I am doing.
I know Microsoft will end their updates for XP beginning
April 2014, but as long as you have a good antivirus and
anti malware program updated, it should be OK. We use
AVG and Advanced System Care as well as Iobits Malware
Fighter. Malwarebytes is also good. We have that has well.
I keep them all updated at all times. You can never be too
careful in this day and age with PC’s and internet. Also
always look at the address that an email is coming from
and see if it coincides with the persons name, before
ever clicking on any link. There are some scammers out
there that will use a name that they have gathered on the
net that you might know and send a link to you, but the
email address will not coincide with the name. DELETE!
I’m just trying to wise up a few of you before you find
yourself staring at a porno site or worst yet a sneaky
virus that finds a backdoor. Yes it has happened to me
in the past. How do you think I learned LOL? It’s one
of those live and learn epidemics hehehe. So now I have
given a few insights to dilemmas you can avoid hehehe.
It’s 2 PM and it’s still 74 F degrees. Judy and the boys
went in the bedroom to lie down. Judy said that she was
still a bit sleepy. Remember, we don’t go to bed until
around 4 or 5 in the morning and often do not go to sleep
until maybe 6 or so LOL. We watch cartoons until we
fall asleep. LOL OK so she watches them till she falls
asleep. I nod here and there while spending most of
the time trying to quit hurting. That’s my life in a nut
shell hehehe. I do find myself wishing for snow. The
first winters snow is always the best. Watching the
snowflakes floating down from the sky as they land
there before me painting the scenery. Yes, it does
get old after 5 or 6 months LOL, but the first month
of snow is most surely the greatest. Even the second
month is quite enjoyable, but the enjoyment starts
to depreciate after that hehehe. Especially when it
has melted and refroze turning into ICE. Then all of
the slipping and sliding begins. It’s sort of what put
my body in the condition that its in now LOL. All in
all I do enjoy taking pictures of the scenery. I’m in
hopes that my ankle will be in better condition before
winter gets here. My feet have been in terrible shape
for well over a decade and there is no way to fix them
or so all of the specialist say, so I live with them and
have even when I was still working at Weatherford
“Trico”. I just want my ankle to be fixed so I can
enjoy walking around taking pictures as I do so love
to do. My neighbors are mowing again hehehehe.
It seems to be an every Sunday ordeal huh! Why
can’t they do that on Saturday? Oh well, as long as
they don’t start going right passed my window and
all, it’s OK :). The sky is blue and there’s a nice
breeze blowing. I am grateful to be able to wake up
and enjoy the morning sunrise and watch the many
scenes to blossom as birds fly in and out of view.
Sometimes I will just sit on the steps and watch the
tree limbs swaying in the breeze. It can put you
into a dream state of slumber if you allow it. Yes,
I do love God’s handiwork. He creates what many
painters attempt to put on a canvas, but can only
capture a portion of it. Look for the many blessings
found all around you. They might be right in front
of you, but you’re too focused on other things to
see them. Allow some time in the day to sit back
and find and enjoy the blessings. Now, I believe
it’s time for me to be taking my little look see back
through all that I’ve written here to see if I can find
a good word or phrase that might work well for the
title for today’s brand new poem. So, it’s away I go
to that place of my recollection that I always like
to call RECOLLECT VILLE. I think I found a good
title, but I’ve gotta see if I haven’t already used it.
Nope ain’t used it, so here goes!

Swaying in The Breeze

The blessings of each day
are sight’s, sounds and smells
in so very many
wonderful details.
Even many blessings
are what we can hold
such as a snowflake
that feels oh so cold.
So many blessings are
swaying in the breeze
found as hypnotic
with branches and leaves.
Sometimes God’s blessings
are scenes that we find
often as turnstiles
inside of our mind.
Swaying in the breeze
are so many things
such as birds flight
and how that it sings.
Let your heart fathom
what sight never sees
that of a dream world
swaying in the breeze.
Find your many blessings
in how that you view
swaying in the breeze
of then thereunto.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 25, 2013

I hope you like that. Sometimes I can come up with words
by just looking outside. There’s a poetic world outside my
window. LOL I get a kick out of my many classmates that
never took the time to get to know me. Most never knew
that I was the way I am. Yes I hung out with my rock band
members, but it didn’t make me the same as them. I was
the drummer. When we weren’t playing I returned to my
my world. Many never knew that I wrote poetry of course
aside from my blood brother Mark Green that I grew up
with. We became friends in the 1st grade. We consider
ourselves as brothers. I wish I could see him and many of
my other family and friends. Maybe one day :). In the
mean time I’m grateful for the internet, for it allows us to
see one another through videos, pictures and conversing.
I’m getting hungry, so I reckon I need to be telling you
what I tell you every week and that is, I wrote some more
poems and haiku. Yeppers, 10 more poems with 3 of em
being sort of Christmassy :). Also I wrote 22 more haiku
for all of my haiku lovers out there. I hope you find a few
of either or both that you like. Now, it’s time for me to
begin searching for that dad burned off switch, but not
before I wish you a most wonderful God filled week while
life is swaying in the breeze :). Ok, so where are ya this
time ya little whippersnapper? I see ya! Hiding in my
aspirin bottle at the best place to hide LOL. It’s clear!
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce

We were going to go to our internet provide Pioneer
Wirelesses open house Saturday, but there were way
too many people, so we ended up going to Houlton
Farms Dairy and getting us some ice cream hehehe.
We then stopped off in Houltons down town square
where they were having a country market. We stayed
and broused a while. I bought some Zucchini Peach
bread. Yummy! Anyways, I almost forgot about that.

Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

The Days End

The morning comes
with bright sunlight
and then found
the edge of night.
When shadows play
they dance around
here and there
and on the ground.
In the days end
scenes we see
are what morning
brought to be.
Then the days end
is found true
waiting nighttime’s
famous hue.
The sights and sounds
that do transcend
are found within then
the days end.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 24, 2013

While Within Summer

Often our journeys
are found hid away
until the dawning
of their moments day.
Summertime’s patterns
are often seen
as that of many
found in a dream.
Splashing and playing
in waters of time
while within summer
it’s so divine.
Summertime’s moments
many record
as that of videos
timelessly stored.
Many take pictures
of every sight
while within summer
on into night.
Summertime’s ending
comes then so true
when fall is painting
its famous hue.
Yet until autumn
we will then be seen
while within summer
splashing in a stream.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 24, 2013

Special Memories

Inside a doorway
of winters delight
I can remember
a time oh so right.
Special memories
found on a day
that make a journey
Christmassy way.
On through December
the joy does survive
even after Christmas
December twenty five.
The twinkling lights
so Christmassy found
are what I see
when I look around.
Special memories
I hold so true
live deep inside me
as that wondrous view.
The Christmas trees
that glistened so bright
are now remembered
as a wonderful sight.
Even the choo-choo
on its railroad track
that went around the tree
and then came back.
Those special memories
I now remember
are of the greatest
found in December.
Even when sometimes
we would find snow
out on the walkways
where all we’d go.
Yes they’re so wondrous
in December time
for they’re so special
memories of mine.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 24, 2013

The Lost Snowflake

As winter winds
begin to blow
the scenes begin
to fill with snow.
Yet sometimes
they find awake
the sight that’s seen
the lost snowflake.
It searches true
to find a place
to land and be
a snowman’s face.
The lost snowflake
is searching true
to find his brothers
sisters too.
It gets closer
to the ground
and he looks then
all around.
A sea of white
is down below
and he finds a
place to go.
The lost snowflake
is lost no more
for he’s made
an Earthly floor.
Found snow white
on seas of green
the lost snowflake
has found his dream.
He’s now not lost
and not alone
for there’s more
that might be thrown.
He sees a child
come running true
to make a snowball
with his view.
Then the snowflakes
lost and found
is a ball
so white and round.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 24, 2013

My Favorite Time

As the year passes by
I seek a place
found in December
filled with God’s Grace.
My favorite time
as echoes of joy
remembered so truly
as I was a boy.
Those special moments
that came unto me
heartbeats of passion
that Jesus gave free.
Christmastimes pleasure
still brings me a smile
as my favorite times
wonderful while.
Truly the essence of
all I recall
is found in winter
then soon after fall.
It’s my favorite time
that comes into play
that is remembered
as Christmas day.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 24, 2013

Walking Paths

Points of thresholds
shadows casts
often lead to
walking paths.
Scenes on journeys
there and to
walking paths
are there anew.
Some might seem to
be dead ends
and some lead to
some best friends.
The walking paths
that you might find
could be surely
a turmoil’s mine.
Take the time to
say a prayer
before you walk
from here to there.
Walking paths
can often be
just the place
you need to be.
Yet the journey
to and fro
might be lessons
need to know.
So take Jesus
on your quest
down walking paths
and then be blessed.
Let not journeys
walking paths
lead you to some
bitter wraths.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 24, 2013

Hidden World

Sometimes hidden
deep from view
are the moments
me and you.
A hidden world
nobody sees
except of course
the birds and bees.
Hidden tightly
fast away
our hidden world
is everyday.
Yet Lord Jesus
can see true
your hidden world
of things you do.
For He’s the birds
and bees that fly
and for sure
the deep blue sky.
Jesus sees
those things you hide,
that hidden world
that lives inside.
Let Him change
the way you see
and cease to hide
from you and me.
Let your choices
be best found
standing on
God’s solid ground.
Though of course
your hidden world
will still be
your thoughts unfurled.
Afraid of what that
ones might say
through your life of
day to day.
Let Lord Jesus
help you find
a lesser hidden
world of mind.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 24, 2013

Ancient Trail

With each footstep
us and them
an ancient trail
will then begin.
Soon the decades
that we see
will be only
An ancient trail
that time has seen
from a past days
running stream.
A moments time
that did occur
that our lives
could not defer.
An ancient trail
as steps are made
laid out as we
surely wade.
Waters edges
daily found
and ancient trail
will come around.
Maybe not as
long ago,
but yet ancient
then although.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 24, 2013


Many seeds
we plant and water
might become
a son or daughter.
Then those children
that have grown
will learn from
what all we’ve shown.
Seeds of time
that we have planted
might become as
things enchanted.
Yet sometimes
so many seeds
will turn into
many weeds.
Not with lessons
learned so good
what they really
truly should.
Plant your seeds
and water well
and then they will not
go to Hell.
Give them food
of God’s Own Word
then they’ll grow
from what they heard.
Yes they’ll maybe
lose their way,
but they’ll surely
kneel and pray.
Then that path
of planted seeds
will fulfill
their daily needs.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 24, 2013

Twilights Embrace

Within the night
of clouds and stars
twilight’s embrace
is moon and Mars.
Scenes so pretty
up above
twilights embrace
is filled with love.
The beautiful stars
twinkle and shine
within this night
found so divine.
The clouds float by
so slow and free
painting pictures
I can see.
Twilights embrace
is found so sweet
I’d take a spoon
and try to eat.
Gobbling up
those things in space
within the clouds
twilights embrace.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 24, 2013

for Aug 24, 2013

The weeds will prosper
if they’re not killed properly
to allow good grass.

When life gets too hard,
step back a few steps in time
and take a breather.

Seen through a forest
is a struggling flower
not getting sunshine.

Often perception
is that of a bumblebee
seeking a flower.

Today brings blessings
sometimes hidden from our view
and seen much later.

With a mere snowflake
is the chance for a snowman
when others gather.

Summer brings sunshine
and maybe even some rain
to cool off the day.

Beyond the starlight
lives a world we cannot see,
but just imagine.

Life is a doorway
to many choices to make
with some good and bad.

Money causes pain
if it is sought for through greed
and not for your need.

While flowers are blooming
they also prepare for death
while harnessing seed.

A storm passing by
might leave a trail of lightning
as thunder follows.

The night sky’s shadows
often create perceptions
through what’s imagined.

As summer subsides
it welcomes autumns colors
painted here and there.

Dreaming of Christmas
brings alive the mistletoe
that provokes kisses.

Challenging summer
might end with a few sunburns
to display its win.

Wintertime’s challenge
comes with the first sign of snow
and cold winds that blow.

Now can become framed
as a picture that God made
to display to you.

Right now is alive
as breezes begin to blow
and raindrops will fall.

Links to tomorrow
are found through many choices
that we make today.

While now fades away
it leaves shadows of itself
that might be lessons.

Inside looking out
becomes a wanting venture
with grass looking green.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 24, 2013

God bless from Bill and Judy

{Moonlight and Owls by Judy Pearce}
It can also be found at Barns&Noble and Amazon
Judy’s New Poetry book 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Let Not Your Soul


Hello my friends

How are you this great day? Hope you’re not having too many
problems. It’s a beautiful day outside up here at our place and
the weather is staying mild. Of course we’ve had some rain the
passed few days as usual LOL. The boys are doing well. We
took them for a ride down to the Amish store with us Friday and
they enjoyed that. We bought us some more watermelons and
a few knickknacks. We had fun browsing the store. They have
a lot of nice stuff. Judy bought some things for the kitchen and
I bought some hooks to hang up our battery operated hurricane
lantern when we have a storm that knocks out our electricity :).
My ankle is still messed up due to us taking Milo to the vet to
get checked for any ailment. He had been not looking good for
the passed few days. The doc said Milo is in good health. He
had a little blood in his urine, but said his kidneys are good
and she gave us some antibiotics to give him. He seems to
be feeling much better now. My ankle is still making it hard
to walk. Every step is painful, but I’ll survive LOL. I’ve
been through worse. I just couldn’t bear the thought of not
taking Milo to the vet to have him checked and then to have
him get sicker and die. I love our boys. We love our boys.
They mean more to me than a fractured ankle. So, what else
is going on around the Pearce’s Place? Hmmmm, not much!
It’s supposed to get warm again this week, or should I say
warm for us hehehe. The upper 70’s to lower 80’s with just
a couple of days in the upper 80’s Yet, that forecast might
fade from view as the days move ahead. The weatherman
is just forecasting/guessing ya know. Judy and I are getting
ready for a picture taking drive in the next few days. We
will take the boys with us so we can get them in the photos.
We haven’t decided on a date yet though. In the mean time
I’ll continue taking pictures of our little drives here and
there and our scenery outside our front door. I’m going to
go ahead and start hooking up and moving info to my new
PC sometime this week. I was going to wait, but I see no
reason to. I’m hoping it all works as I want it to. We shall
see huh! In the mean time life continues on with its bumps
and grinds of lessons of life. My mom said my sister is
doing OK or as well as to be expected with the loss of her
husband. Please keep her in your prayers. I would call,
but don’t know what to say that would help. She is also
a Christian and knows Christ, but losing your spouse and
best friend is still hard to handle. I love ya Peggy. Call
me if you need to talk. Ok so what else is there to talk
about? We’re waiting on our landlord to get over here
and fix our bathroom doorway floor. A few years ago our
hot water heater started leaking and made the floor real
soggy and has weakened it causing it to be too dangerous
to walk on. He came a number of weeks ago and put a
few boards down to walk on, but so far I have hurt my
ankle much worse by catching my ankle on the edge of
the boards. He needs to put a new partial floor down
with braces underneath. I am unable to do it besides the
fact that he is responsible for repairing it. He said he
might be over some time this week to fix it. That will
be great. Judy and I are both tired of having to do the
obstacle course just to go to the bathroom LOL. I hear
the jingling jangling of dog collars coming this way LOL.
It was just Benny coming in to say hello. Milo was on
the bed, but he heard me mention his name when I asked
Judy where he was hehehe. He’s now lying down behind
me on the floor. Benny is lying in one of the doggy beds
beside me. I’m surrounded LOL! We thank God every
day for these little blessings that bark. Benny is our lil
overactive doorbell. He even barks if the neighbors have
company hehehehe. We love him anyways! Benny just
left the room to go and guard the living room 🙂 He feels
that it’s his job LOL. Nobody will get past his point of
sight or hearing hehehehe. Our home has most surely
been blessed. God is always there with answers. Yes,
we will go through some troublesome turnstiles, but
we will be OK. We become stronger through the pain.
We try not to egg on more problems, but being human
we will from time to time. Life is a journey of mishaps
that we can sometimes see turn into good things if we
will look for the lessons. Milo has gone back to our
bedroom to lie on our bed :). I just went and turned on
the fan for him to keep him cool hehehe. Benny is in
one of his favorite spots in the living room :). He has
many! These boys never cease to amaze us with all
of their unconditional love. God is greater by far as
his unconditional love goes far beyond our household.
Yet, even if He loves you, it does not guarantee you
a place in Heaven. You must love HIM and His Son
Jesus Christ. Let not your soul to fall prey to the ill
will of Satan and his lies. That will only lead you to
a path in Hell. Seek for the goodness that God’s Will
provides. Look passed the losses and see the gains.
Now I believe it’s time for me to take a little look see
back through all that I have written here to see if I
can find a good word or phrase in something I said
to use as the title for today’s brand new poem hehehe.
So it’s away I go to that place of my recollection that
I always like to call RECOLLECT VILLE. It looks
like I may have found a good title, but I’ve gotta make
sure I haven’t already used it LOL. Used it! Trying
another! BINGO, found one. Now for the poem 🙂
Hope I can put something together using it LOL!

Let Not Your Soul

Don’t let your vision
to fall prey to lies
while you are seeking
your what’s and your why’s.
Let not your soul
find mindless portrayed
through all the moments
your minutes have made.
Seek for the blessings
through Lord God above
and don’t let Satan
be your push and shove.
Find your tomorrows
through now and today
as you take time to
kneel down and pray.
Don’t let your greediness
become your strive
and don’t let others to
change how you drive.
Let not your soul to
find only pain.
Seek for God’s blessings
as your daily gain.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 18, 2013

Well, there ya go! I hope ya liked it. Also, I hope that you
enjoyed my rambling. I might tend to drift from one topic to
another, but I’m sure it at least kept ya entertained hehehe.
It’s 75 F degrees right now at 3:00 PM. Not too awful bad.
I’ve got the dehumidifier going to pull the humidity out of
the air. It be rather humid up this way hehehe. Yet with the
AC on dehumidifier mode, it makes it rather cold in here.
Oh well, it’s all good LOL! Judy’s waiting on me to finish
so she can read it with me to look for typo’s 🙂 It helps to
have 2 sets of eyes especially when one set is sort of blind.
I’m sure we’ll miss a few as were missed last week, but
nobody said I was perfect hehehehe and if they did, they
meant a perfect something else LOL. Milo just snuck
back in here. He’s right back in the floor behind me LOL.
So I reckon it’s time for me to be telling you what I tell
you every week and that is, I wrote some more poems
and haiku. Yeppers, 10 more poems with 4 of them this
time being Christmassy. Also once again I wrote 22 more
haiku for all of my haiku lovers out there. I hope that you
find a few of either that you like. I need you kneel in prayer
for a good friend of mine that has stage 4 cancer in his liver
and pancreas. He’s a good friend and I think of him as my
family. He asked not to mention his name, but God knows
who He is, so He will direct the prayers to him accordingly.
Now, I believe it’s time for me to begin my search for
that darned off switch that just loves to try and hide from
me, yet without much luck, but first I must wish you a
most joyful and God filled week. Remember, Jesus
loves you and we do too. Now, to find that off switch :).
LOL, I see ya you little varmint. If you’re gonna hide,
then stay hidden and quit peeking out to see if I can see
you LOL. Saw ya! Behind the little statue I got from
some of our old neighbors that says “I think you’re nice”.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce

Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Saturday’s Sun

The days roll peacefully
as time’s begun
found within middays
Saturday’s sun.
Every little sound heard
is that which I’ve found
deep in Saturday’s sun
each time around.
Minutes tick patiently
as time is done
while we are enjoying
Saturday’s sun.
It might be raining
or sun shining bright
but it somehow always
works out alright.
Saturday’s sun in motion
begins and shall end
sometimes in summertime
or winters wind.
So as the days pass by
I’ll try to have fun
when the weeks ended with
Saturday’s sun.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 17, 2013

Links To Misfortune

Often our journeys
find times of discord
when we are watching
and climbing aboard.
Links to misfortune
are often our ways
found in so many times
upcoming days.
Sometimes they’re journeys
much better not done
found at the end of
our times having fun.
So many people
become as a trail
to times misfortunes
of moments set sail.
Stupid little things
that many will do
become as the links to
misfortunes view.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 17, 2013

Heaven is Found

When time is come to
our withered release
Heaven is found then
with it’s pleasant peace.
So as our minutes find
time then at end
Heaven is found then
as a true friend.
Then when in Heaven
our time will stand still
with all the blessings
Lord God does fulfill.
We will see loved ones
that went there before
as we walk through that
Heavenly door.
Peace will be displayed
for us each to see,
as Heaven is found then
for you and for me.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 17, 2013

Lands of Confusion

The stormy skies
of troubled scenes
can become as
running streams.
Lands of confusion
that we find
sometimes live
inside our mind.
Those biggest lands
that troubles see
are just sometimes
you and me.
Lands of confusion
times display
might just be
our sights array.
Let your vision
see more clear
all God’s blessings
so sincere.
Don’t let mind warp
build illusion
making up lands
of confusion.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 17, 2013

Choices In Time

We find the pages
we turned to and found
sometimes as choices
with sinking ground.
Our choices in time
so many don’t see
as what we’ve chosen
to be what will be.
The choices in time
that we answer to
often are Wither Ville’s
times we accrue.
Lessons from choices
that we found and framed
are sometimes moments
we’ve surely named.
Named as stupidity
what we did find
from all our many
choices in time.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 17, 2013

Christmas of Then

Pouring of blessings
our time did begin
with what’s remembered of
Christmas of then.
Scenes found a glowing
with love deep inside
displaying Christmas
with arms opened wide.
Patterns were starting
with lights all aglow
and in some places
with scenes white as snow.
All of my family
took time to enjoy
love for the season
and not just a toy.
Songs sung so sweetly
in our family
the Christmas of then
is in my memory.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 17, 2013

The Season of Blessings

Found in December
is sometimes white snow
the season of blessings
with Santa’s HoHo.
Even the store fronts
will glisten of sights
the season of blessings
with bright colored lights.
Music then playing
as we drive along
the season of blessings
while singing a song.
Christmastimes wonders
are what many hear
within this season
that’s so full of cheer.
The season of blessings
with love in the air
fills up so many
with true love and care.
While it’s beginning
the season rings true
all of the magic
from Jesus to you.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 17, 2013

In Desperation

Times so turbulent
in desperation
many will find their
own devastation.
Lead by their hurry
of now and agin
in desperation
the pain will begin.
Let not your hurry
for inpatient views
lead you to troubles
of melted down shoes.
Find you some peaceful
in now and today,
then desperation
might just fade away.
Do what’s important
with lessened your hurry
and you might find then
lesser your worry.
Do your very best
with what that you do
then desperation
might fade from your view.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 17, 2013

Portraits Hung

Snowy portraits
on the wall
hang there daily
spring to fall.
Then December
brings some more
snowy portraits
to adore.
Portraits hung
with great delight
that which brighten
every night.
Portraits hung
of me and you
on our wall
a Christmas view.
Seasons glimmer
songs we’ve sung
are in portraits
that we’ve hung.
On our Facebook
wall of time
are the portraits
yours and mine.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 17, 2013

Soon Will Come

Now the stages
pages read
soon will come as
done and said.
Soon will come
and time will show
here and there
with maybe snow.
Soon the seasons
reason true
will be heightened
there and to.
Many minutes
in it seen
will become a
Christmas dream.
Soon will come
some true designs
found as blessings
time to times.
Maybe even
reasons will
be on seasons
Joyful stages
ages show
might be heartfelt
to and fro.
True love displayed
made from love
come from Lord God
up above.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 17, 2013

for Aug 17, 2013

Today brings a choice
to repeat your yesterdays
or to change your mind.

Summertime’s showers
bring life to the surroundings
while sometimes drowning.

Bittersweet moments
live in a life full of time
filled with many thorns.

Many views of love
are descriptive of desire
that ones misconceive.

Naming a flower
does not make it what it is,
for it’s just a name.

Wintertime returns
after summer brings us fall
to prepare for it.

The weathered doorways
that our seasons will walk through
will leave their own view.

Life is a motion
begun by a mere action
that many don’t see.

Showers of sunshine
come radiating to Earth
as blessing from God.

Lines found on a face
might be there due to sadness
or maybe laughter.

Doing a good deed
can make your heart to blossom
if you do it free.

Ones own perspective
can corrupt another’s view
if it is allowed.

Each days surroundings
are found with things never seen
as we look around.

Flavors of dewdrops
within a flowers taste buds
might be as cherry.

While winds of time blow
there are things that never move
while holding tightly.

Upon a rivers edge
shows desires across the way
that might seduce you.

In a swimming pool
holds the clearness of waters
that might seem shallow.

Footprints in the sand
will wash away in the waves
as the tide rolls in.

Leaves will die and fall
leaving beautiful colors
to describe autumn.

Playing with fire
might cause you your own demise
as it catches wind.

The storms of life
often come with some rainbows
that we cannot see.

Viewing a forest
can become as some burdens,
because of the trees.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 17, 2013

God bless from Bill and Judy

{Moonlight and Owls by Judy Pearce}
It can also be found at Barns&Noble and Amazon
Judy’s New Poetry book 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

For The Moment


Hello my friends

How have you been doing? Judy and I are doing OK. I do though
have some sad news. My sisters husband passed away Thursday
and is now with the Lord. DD was a great father and husband as
well as a great brother in law. The cancer finally took its toll. They
had the funeral Saturday the 10th. I wish I could have been there
to support my sister and her kids, but far too many miles separate
us and I didn’t find out about his death until Saturday. Well, God
has another angel in Heaven 🙂 Keep my sister Peggy and her kids
Zack, Holly and Whitney in your prayers. I love them all dearly.
Also keep my mom in your prayers. She is hurting from the loss.
So OK, time to find another topic, hopefully a little more cheerful.
It’s looking more and more like summer has left us and moved on
as our daily temperatures range from the upper 60’s to the middle
70’s F. It’s 73 F degrees right now at 3:00 PM. The high for today
is supposed to be 75 degrees. Tomorrow is also supposed to be
75 degrees, but Tuesday through Thursday is supposed to be 66
to 68 degrees LOL. Then it’s back to the lower to mid 70’s for a
few days. Yeppers, this is quite a change from the Texas weather
that I had gotten so used to all of my life. We’re expecting some
rain on Tuesday, but other than that, it’s supposed to be clear and
sunny with a few clouds here and there. Benny and Milo are doing
well. Milo went visiting today hehehe. I was looking for him and
he was at our neighbors house behind us enjoying being petted :).
I walked around the corner of our house and he saw me and came
a running. I was afraid he might of gone exploring again hehehe.
He’s lying on the bed with Judy now watching cartoons. Yeppers
Benny and Milo both like to watch cartoons. They’ll lie down at
the end of the bed with their eyes locked on the television if its
got cartoons on :). I just peeked in on them and Milo has gone to
sleep. He snores hehehe! I might be going to the emergency
room one day this week, because my ankle seems to be broken.
I had thought it was just sprained, but it’s getting worse. Oh
well, life goes on LOL. I have yet to of found an MD doctor up
here that is accepting new patients. They need more MD doctors
up here. Anyways, the emergency room will do as it has since
we moved up here. So what else is new? Well, I bought me a
refurbished PC that has Windows XP Pro on it. I haven’t yet
hooked it up. I’m firstly going to turn my old hard drives from
my old PC into external hard drives. I’ll hook this one and the
new one up to this monitor to work between them until I can get
everything switched. I asked Judy if she wanted a new PC and
she said hers was working good enough for her since I switched
out the memory chips on it with her old PC. So maybe I can get
this new PC set up to where I can continue my writings without
having to play musical chairs LOL. It has everything I need.
Outlook Express for one :). Ok onto another topic or two LOL.
Judy’s mom is getting situated at Judy’s twin sisters house.
They’re fixing the house up so that she can get around which
is quite a chore I hear. Life hasn’t changed much here at the
Pearce’s Place other than Milo always wanting more and more
attention than he used to LOL. When we first got him, he didn’t
like to be held, but now it seems that’s all he wants hehehehe
other than treats. I say no and he says WOOF and I say no
and he says WOOF. He doesn’t want to hear the word no :).
Just like a child huh! Benny just strolled in here to say hello.
He sat down under my chair waiting for me to pet him hehehe.
I petted him for a bit and then picked him up and carried him
in the bedroom with Judy and Milo :). Judy is sitting up. She
might be ready for breakfast. LOL I know it’s the evening,
but we don’t go to bed until around 4 or 5 in the morning so
now is morning to us LOL. I’ll fix us breakfast as soon as
I find a stopping place in this, which usually doesn’t happen
until I have finished LOL. I’m just like my dad. When I get
started doing something it’s hard for me to stop until I get it
finished. Benny wanted to come back in here with me, but
I told him to stay with mom and Milo. There’s not much else
to tell ya about. We live such an exciting life that it would bore
a bear into hibernation LOL! Ok, so maybe not quite that
boring hehehehehehe.. Benny and Milo keep us on our toes.
My granddaughter Sami turned 13 years old Saturday the 10th.
She’s now a teenager. My daughter said Sami had a great
birthday. I wish I could have been there, but 2100 miles is
quite a distance to travel for this decrepit old body. I hope
I am able to see them as well as my mom, sister and other
family and friends before I die. Maybe if God willing, it will
come to be one day, but for the moment I’ll try to accept
now as the way that things are supposed to be. God is in
control. I can only do what is before me with my capabilities.
Life is a journey that we might find at times a few roadblocks
that are under construction with their point and time not yet
meant to be. Or maybe just not meant to be! Don’t let the
troubles of life become all you see. Look for the joy that is
around you. Sometimes it might need clearer eyes to see it,
but it is there. Now I think it’s about time for me to begin
my search for a new title through the words and phrases in my
rambling perception. So, it’s away I go to that place of my
recollection I always like to call RECOLLECT VILLE. It
looks like I may have found a good title that I haven’t used
before. Now let’s see if I can put together some words that
will form a good poem using it hehehehe. Here goes!

For The Moment

Life through the window
might look a bit gray,
but for the moment
it’s now and today.
Yet with the passing of
times that you see
life will continue
to fill history.
Now for the moment
you might become sad
thinking about all that
you one day had.
But a mere moment
of time that is found
is just a memory of
times going round.
Life for the moment
can change at a glance
if you will look for
joys song and dance.
Letting the blessings of
now and agin
to be for the moment
much better have been.
God gives us moments
that chances survive
filled with the blessings
so thankful alive.
Let not your worries
of now and today
to be as your only view
found as pure gray.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 11, 2013

Heaven is filling up with angels every minute of the day. I welcome
the day that my Earthly body withers and dies, for I know I will be
in Heaven with a brand new body with no ailments. Also I will see
my family and friends that have gone on before me. Yet, for now
I am enjoying my life with Judy and the boys as well as all of my
family up here. Also I enjoy getting messages and all from all of
my email friends and Facebook friends. So, life is good 🙂 I have
a loving wife and two boys/dogs that I love to spend time with :).
Taking pictures of our surroundings brings me a smile. I’m happy
to write poetry that others might enjoy. Also I hope that my words
through my ramblings bring a smile to many. When I’m gone, you
will still have my words to remember :). Though I’m pretty sure
that God isn’t done with me yet LOL. So continue I shall. Why
do you think I would have gotten an email through one the many
places I shop showing a PC for sell with XP Pro on it that we could
afford hehehehehe. Yeppers, so many things tell me that I have
a few more things yet to share with you. My bizarre humor and
my many thoughts :). God is always in control whether we think
it or not. Sometimes we wonder why ones die, but the fact is
that we’re not meant to know. That’s a grander picture that we
are not yet ready to view. Trust in The Lord! Have faith that
all will work out to His Will. Now I believe it’s time for me to
tell ya what I tell you every week and that is I wrote a few more
poems and haiku. Yep, 10 more poems with 2 of em being a bit
Christmassy. Also I wrote once again 22 more haiku for all of
my haiku lovers out there. So OK, it’s time for me to begin
my search for that off switch that loves to play hide and seek
with me, but not before I wish you a most wonderful God filled
week. Remember, Jesus loves you and we do too. Now to
find that off switch! There ya are you little varmint. You’re
getting a little better at hiding, but still, under my keyboard
is not the greatest. It’s like trying to hide a person under our
bed. Gotta be really thin or you’re gonna make it wobble LOL.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce

Now on with the pomes and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Today A Story

As clouds of time
float over head
they leave the signs
of words they said.
Paving ventures
up there in the sky
today a story
is my by and by.
I with my camera
just snapping away
today a story
within my own way.
Time might form as
some clouds in the sky
awaiting their minutes
of raindrops to fly.
Today a story
is formed in my mind
written as heartbeats
in my by and by.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 7, 2013

With or Without

Times might change
to what’s not known,
but those times
will need be sown.
Yet some times
that come and go
might just need
be hi hello.
Acknowledging then
of times about
might be better
with or without.
Often times
we find each day
lead us in
a wondrous way,
yet some times
might be impaired
with or without
what all we shared.
Time keeps ticking
with now and then
to the moments
that begin.
God is there
with His Own way
to make each time
to be OK.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 10, 2013

Many A Time

With many seconds
are minutes to find
counted as rhythms
in our time to time.
Many a porthole
will open and close
giving us chances
for time to disclose.
Many a time will
surely be found
as sometimes moments
just go around.
Often repeating
are what that we see
found in the turnstiles
of our history.
Signature stages
set up to play
many a time found
day after day.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 10, 2013

My Times Of Christmas

So very long ago
of the days that I saw
Christmas was found with
a wonderful awe.
My times of Christmas
are deep down inside
found as the moments
my youth did reside.
Putting the train up
to circle the tree
my times of Christmas
is what I can see.
Lights glistening brightly
with red, blue and green
were the most wonderful
things I had seen.
Now as time’s passed on
I see oh so clear
my times of Christmas
of my yesteryear.
Riding around with
my mom, dad and sis,
Christmas light looking
I really do miss.
Those days are only now
shadows today
as I see Christmas
a wonderful way.
Snowflakes are falling
as Christmastime grows
building new memories
while surely it snows.
Wintertime’s ventures
are found in my heart
my times of Christmas
as God’s work of art.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 10, 2013

Doorways And Windows

Within a mirror
you might just see
things you remember
from your history.
Doorways and windows
that moments concurred
often gave lessons
from seen, done and heard.
Sections of pathways
that we might just find
will maybe turn to
a warped sense of mind.
Doorways and windows
are found there and to
that are found sometimes
just better to view.
Yet often sometimes
the moments we see
are maybe better
for you and for me.
Doorways and windows
will open and close
with sometimes journeys
for our to and fros.
So as the doorways
and windows are found
look for God’s blessings
through His solid ground.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 10, 2013

While It Snows

As seasons change
the days are found
with white snow
upon the ground
Christmas comes then
while it snows
turning the pages
as scenery grows.
Looking outside now
as summer will fade
I can see Christmastime’s
sweet marmalade.
Waiting for Christmas
is what I now do
as I look outside
at summertime’s view.
I’m seeking savory
Christmastime glows
found within wintertime
then while it snows.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 10, 2013

Beyond Summer

The beginning of fall
is beyond summer
found as the leaves
are autumn times drummer.
Making their beauty
found on the trees
then they fall down as
great colored leaves.
After the summer
there’s colors galore
found within autumn
on trees and Earths floor.
Beyond summer
there’s many a sight
that are as colors
found in sunlight.
A photographers dream
that always revives
beyond summer then
when fall arrives.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 10, 2013

Through The Haze

Tomorrows sunrise
brings about days
found as our choices
seen through the haze.
Scenes we remember
from pages that turn
are sometimes minutes
that we must discern.
Through the haze now
might become a view
that is just heartaches
our time must accrue.
A book of our lifestyles
written to think
with but a haze of
problematic ink.
Tomorrows journey
found through the haze
might just become as
much better days.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 10, 2013

Various Shades

My sight now before me
finds certain grades
often as colors
of various shades.
Scenes found in summer
painted to see
live as the portions
that God gave to me.
Various shading
of here thereabout
are then discerned as
summertime’s route.
Painted as pictures
times do expose
as various shades
of some highs and lows.
My sight now before me
is just but a view
as various shades
of red, green and blue.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 10, 2013

While I Dream

Found in a worry
of momentous views
I find I thinking
of falses and trues.
Things I remember
that come into play
then while I’m dreaming
they go away.
Letting my dream world
become alive
that which no sadness
can then survive.
So as my worries
try to take charge
I let my dream world
float like a barge.
Onto a glistening
wonderful stream
I find I’m peaceful
then while I dream.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 10, 2013

for Aug 10, 2013

As many follow
there are those that are leading
heading the wrong way.

When a storm has passed
it leaves a few memories,
some good and some bad.

While we might struggle,
we’re also growing stronger,
for struggles bring strength.

Harboring sadness
will guaranty more sadness,
so don’t hold so tight.

Summertime’s venture
begins and ends with timeframes
leading unto fall.

The hurry of one
can cause others destruction,
so slow down a bit.

Cherished memories
become as driven heartbeats
when we are older.

A leaf that’s blowing
could become a moment found
that’s a pile of leaves.

Sometimes fantasies
are better if not begun
if they make you sad.

Wisdom of others
might not be so very great,
for they are stupid.

When today arrives
yesterday holds a shadow
as just memories.

Links to our parents
are so often found wrongly
as who that we are.

True awaited love
comes when God sees you’re ready.
Hurried finds sadness.

Emotions we find
as we struggle with our lives
often brings us tears.

Shallow are many
that just seek financial gain
to find happiness.

Believing in love
will not find you your true love.
Let God help find it.

Judging another
leaves you open for judgment,
for others see you.

Lessons from our lives
come as shadows of regrets
that will teach us well.

Within a timeframe
holds the seconds and minutes
leading into days.

Various people
are as connect the dot games
that involve us all.

Finding a snowflake
while the summers sun shines down
is an illusion.

The past is the past
and today is just today,
but the past teaches.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 10, 2013

God bless from Bill and Judy

{Moonlight and Owls by Judy Pearce}
It can also be found at Barns&Noble and Amazon
Judy’s New Poetry book 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Took A Nap


Hello my friends

It’s looking like summer has just about passed us by up here.
The high today is supposed to be 72 F degrees and tomorrow
is supposed to be in the low 60’s. The rest of the week in the
70’s up and down. Looks like we will have an early winter if
this keeps up hehehe. Right now at noon it’s 72 F degrees and
our neighbors are mowing once again. 60% chance of rain for
today through tonight till Monday morning. Can’t complain
being there are many out there that would be happy as heck
to get some of this rain LOL along with our temperatures :).
The Pearce’s Place hasn’t had much of a change other than
Judy spending a lot of time over at her sisters house trying to
help out with her mom. I’ve been staying home babysitting
the boys. So what else is happening that’s worth discussing?
LOL, not much! Nope, it’s been a rather quiet week here
at the Pearce’s Place. Judy and I have been doing our daily
exercises and watching our food intake while trying to get
our bodies in a little bit of a better shape and get to feeling
better. It’ll take time. So Benny just strolled in and licked
my legs to say hello hehehe. Milo was lying in here with us,
but they have now both followed Judy into the kitchen in hopes
of her fixing them something to eat LOL. Nope, too early for
them, but it’s time for our breakfast. Yes I said breakfast.
We don’t go to bed until early in the morning and we get up
around noon on a normal day. Both of us are night owls and
have been even before we met ;). Yeppers, we’ve got a lot
in common with each other. LOL big reason that we’re married.
We love most of the same TV programs and we’re both poets.
Also we both love to take pictures and many other things, so
ya can kind of see how we ended up together huh! The years
have been enlightening. I experienced my first snow storm
when we moved up here in 2007. Judy experienced her first
heat wave in 2001 when we got married and she moved to
Texas with me. Of course she didn’t actually fill the heat
until the following year, being we were married late in the
year. Yep, October 2 2001 we got married and we then
at the end of the month took our 3 day drive to Texas in
the cooler portion of weather. Life has been a wild ride
as we’ve learned many things together. These two boys
have been a great addition to our little family. They do at
times get on my last nerve though 🙂 LOL, but then that’s
to be expected hehehe. We all have our good and bad days.
Well, our neighbors are still mowing and I wish they would
give it a break, at least until I’m finished writing hehehehe.
I just looked out and saw that one of their boys is riding
around having fun on one of the mowers minus the mower.
Yep, he ain’t mowing. He’s just playing LOL. He just now
looked up at my window and shrugged. I think he might of
realized that he’s disturbing us. He just parked his little
ride and turned it off hehehe. I don’t care what he does.
it’s where he does it that matter and driving right beside
our window back and forth is not the best place hehehehe.
So anyways, The electricity just flickered and tripped my
surge protector. Ok, it’s reset :). The kid is back to riding
the mowerless riding mower. Oh well, it’s ain’t that loud,
at least as long as he isn’t driving close to our house which
he is getting close LOL. Ain’t our lives exciting hehehehe!
My granddaughter Sami will be 13 on the 10th of August.
She’s growing up so fast and I cannot see it from up here.
I miss my daughter Jamye and Sami. I keep up with my
daughter and granddaughter on Facebook. I love them
tons. Wish we could afford to go and visit, but at this
point and time we can’t. Maybe one day in the future :).
For now, we are trying to keep our heads above water
which is no pun about our rain LOL. Judy heated up some
sausage balls for us to eat for breakfast. I don’t think
Milo realizes that we are eating or he would be all over
us begging and barking LOL. This house has most surely
been blessed. We have so many things to be thankful for
that we could not count them. Yes we have hard times,
but we have each other. Benny and Milo are also a great
empowerment to bringing smiles to our faces. They can be
so silly at times, like late last night they were playing
chase back and forth throughout the house which is more
than likely the reason they are both tuckered out right
now LOL. They were a bit excited when we got up, but
that soon burned down and they did what dogs do hehehe.
Took a nap! God is always in control. Yet, He doesn’t
always do what we want Him to do. He does what He
knows is best. Yes, life and death as well as sickness
and health affect us all, but they are the things we must
experience in our human forms so that we might seek
for His Grace. Many though do not seek Him and they
get lost in their own deceptions. Let God become part
of your life that through His Son Jesus Christ you will
seek the blessings and not just find the turmoil. We will
all pass away one day from this plane of life, but it’s our
choices that will determine where we go from here. So,
are you going to choose God or are you going to choose
the darker path? OK, so right now I am hearing thunder
in the distance which means that along with the electric
being tripped, we might get some more rain LOL and so
I reckon I need to hurry and finish this before the storm
hits hehehe. So, it’s time for me to be taking my quick
little visit back through all that I have written here to
see if can find a good word or phrase that I might be able
to use for the title for today’s brand new poem, so it’s
away I go to that place of my recollection that I always
like to call RECOLLECT VILLE. I think I may if found
a good title. Now let’s see if I can use it LOL. Looks
like I have not used it before, so here goes!

Took A Nap

When the thunder
crashed and roared
it gave time
for sleep explored.
I took a nap
with winds of time
sought through thunder
found sublime.
The sleepy time
that thunder brought
was what often
I have sought.
For I often
listen to
my CD thunder
sleeping hue.
The sound is as
hypnotic trails
bringing sleep
with slumber sails.
I find at times
God gives a zap
sounds of thunder
for my nap.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 4, 2013

There ya go hehehe. Yes I do love to hear the sounds of rain
and thunder. They are very serenading to me. I even have CD’s
with rain and thunder that I play beside our bed to help us sleep.
I also have the ocean sounds :). We though often listen to the
music from Moodscapes on Dish when we sleep. LOL we will
also watch cartoons until we fall asleep hehehe. Yep, it seems
like we’re one of the same huh! I have a quick prayer request.
My sisters husband DD is getting much sicker with the cancer
affecting his gall bladder now. Please lift them in your prayers.
My mom is really worried too. I guess I need to hurry and find
and ending so I need to be telling you what I tell you every week
and that is I wrote some more poems. 10 more poems with four
of them being Christmas poems HoHoHo. Also I once again
wrote 22 more haiku for all of my haiku lovers out there. I hope
you find one or two of either or both that you like. In any sense
I hope I’ve kept you entertained 🙂 Now it’s time for me to be
searching for that confounded off switch, but not before I wish
you a most wonderful God filled week. Remember, Jesus loves
you and we do too. Now to find that off switch. There ya are
you little varmint. You’re not even trying now LOL. It’s not
hiding when your sitting right in front of me ya silly hehehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce

Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

When The Snow Falls

As summer subsides
the seasons are found
when the snow falls
on a wintery ground.
Seasonal blessings
come into view
when the snow falls
onto all thereunto
Christmastime comes in
white with the snow
as many think of
that old HoHoHo.
Santa’s old red suit
just waiting to fly
soon in the minutes of
Christmas Eve’s sky.
When the snow falls
it paints things so white
that when you see it
you find such delight.
Blessings from snowflakes
falling each day
seem to give beauty
of a Christmas display.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 3, 2013

Within A Snowflake

While snow is falling
and painting the ground,
within a snowflake
a sparkle is found.
Wintertime’s doorway
is covered with snow
when all those white flakes
blow to and fro.
Within a snowflake
is a wonderful sight
that displays daytime
and also at night.
Christmas is thought of
when white snow is seen
covering everything
that once was green.
Even ones houses
find snow on the roof
awaiting for Santa
and each reindeer hoof.
Within a snowflake
are paintings desire
that often make times
Christmas transpire.
So with the moments that
times do partake
Christmas is found
within a snowflake.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 3, 2013

As Of Today

No time is sometime
to try and ignore
for as of today now
then was before.
Life finds its struggles
some lesser some hard
with all the patterns
that ones might discard.
As of today now
the pages are turned
leaving so many
times not discerned.
People walk blindly
so often so true
not seeing daily
what they are to view.
Don’t let your minutes
pass by like the wind.
Look for the lessons
you need apprehend.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 3, 2013

Beyond Our Sight

When minutes pass on
beyond our sight
sometimes seems as
not so right.
Beyond our thinking
now and today
things might wrongly
then display.
Beyond our sight
of which we see
times might seem as
bad to be.
Yet so often
beyond our view
is misconceived
and not so true.
Beyond our sight
of now and then
times might become
better been.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 3, 2013

A Writers Thoughts

The wind of seconds
blows its breeze
as a writers
swelling seas.
A writers thoughts
are found and seen
sometimes as a
moments dream.
Time will pass by
leaving sights
a writers thoughts
of days and nights.
Then a poem is
found repeated
in the mind of
one that’s seated.
The stage is set
with visions tossed
found within
a writers thoughts.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 3, 2013

Soon Will Be Christmas

Soon as the summer
loses its turn
soon will be Christmas
we can discern.
All of the hot days
in summertime
will be remembered
as its design.
Some splashing waters
of their swimming days
and some in the shade
just watching the waves.
Some people only
with summertime’s heat
complaining of hot sun
burning their feet.
Soon will be Christmas
with cooler to feel
and maybe snow
on your windowsill.
I find that I’m thinking
all of the time
soon will be Christmas
white snow to find.
Snowflakes a falling
just making their way
to that most wonderful
magical day.
Soon will be Christmas
after summer and fall
as every moment
displays overall.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 3, 2013

Windows of Words

Seen through a window
are words of desire
found as just sometimes
things that transpire.
Windows of words
are found in a glare
often as sunshine
displays out there.
Word mounted thinking
of windows we view
are often painted as
red, green and blue.
So many windows
of which we might see
are showing ventures
of times history.
Scenes are all displayed
as we remember
found in the doorways
of life’s burning ember.
Windows of words
are often best viewed
morning to evening
with a good attitude.
Let yourself waken
and see what is there
that could be answers
to many a prayer.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 3, 2013

What You’re Thinking

You might think that
ones can’t tell
what you’re thinking
very well.
but so often
actions show
what we’re thinking
where we go.
Often wording
is not true
for so many
do know you.
God can see what
all you’re thinking
and tell if your
ship is sinking.
There is nothing
we can hide,
for Lord Jesus
sees inside.
What you’re thinking
might need changed
and your life then
Let your actions
show your thought
and not try to
hide what’s not.
There is nothing
you can do
to hide from God
what’s truly true.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 3, 2013

Behind The Curtain

While the sun is
shining bright
behind the curtain
hides its sight.
For with sunshine
glaring through
it makes hard
to write to you.
All my thoughts are
found on stage
as a poem that’s
page to page.
Written as a
ventured time
in a little
minutes rhyme.
Behind the curtain
time displays
thoughts of mine
of yesterdays.
Also now
and future sights
are the thoughts
this poet writes.
Maybe as some
scenes details
written as
my heart compels.
Yet the thoughts
of mine for certain
are of me
behind the curtain.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 3, 2013

December Thoughts

August brings me
wanting waiting
of what I’m
December thoughts
in August views
finds what all
my time pursues.
Seeking snows
December days
with then Christmas
sought to gaze.
Christmas echoes
now and then
here in August
in the wind.
I find that time
in August style
finds me best
with Christmas smile.
Thinking of those
moments blots
brings me smiles
December thoughts.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 3, 2013

for Aug 3, 2013

As time moves forwards
our past becomes a shadow
that often haunts us.

While summertime fades
it welcomes the leaves of fall
as colors of time.

Seeing a moment
and reacting to its phase
often looks stupid.

Glimmers of sunshine
become waking thoughts to see
as dawn arises.

Going too quickly
with each step that you’re making
could cause you to crash.

Skipping river rocks
can be a most blissful time
as it leaves ripples.

Sadness that we see
has no power over us
if it’s not allowed.

Waking up smiling
brings you chances for blessings
you can spread around.

Seeking perfection
might leave you standing alone
unless it is God.

Nobodies lifestyle
is written in blocks of stone
until we die.

Wisdom comes timeless
as our problems show answers
through many mistakes.

Thresholds of seconds
will often have many views
seen through the windows.

The challenge of now
will sometimes bring deception
to the time you see.

A persons story
might be a slight misworded
leaving you confused,

Beginning right now
gives a chance for some changes,
but make sure they’re good.

Levels of brainwaves
often empower many
and weaken others.

Ones indecisions
can prolong their agony
if drawn out too long.

Changes in viewpoints
can brighten a cloudy day
and display sunshine.

The winds of summer
often blow with desperation
while rains come and go.

Within our heartbeat
holds the chances for true love
while we look around.

The desires of now
could become your own folly
not using good sense.

As the day finds peace
and the sun moves to the west
the night gives us rest.

©By Bill Pearce
Aug 3, 2013

God bless from Bill and Judy

{Moonlight and Owls by Judy Pearce}
It can also be found at Barns&Noble and Amazon
Judy’s New Poetry book 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂