You Will Be Blessed


Hello my friends

I’m a bit late again writing my journal being our
internet server has been giving us troubles most
of the day. As of now it seems to be doing fairly
well LOL. Of course the internet wasn’t the only
reason this is late. I have been feeling very weak
here lately and haven’t been able to keep my eye
opened long enough to do much. I am feeling a bit
better right now, but I’m sure that won’t last long,
so I try to do all that I can amidst my little energy
spurt LOL. The boys are doing great. Benny and
Milo have been playing chase off and on today 🙂
They do love one another hehehe. I wrestle with
them as much as I can LOL. They love to be close
to Judy and I. They both ask permission to be on
the bed with us. If I say no and go to bed, then
that’s it. They go to their beds. Though Benny will
run around the house a few times before he goes
to bed hehehe. He’s young and has more energy
than Milo hehehe and tons more than us LOL 🙂
Judy made a cinnamon swirl cake last night for
us to have for breakfast. It’ came out GREAT.
We had it for breakfast and a late night snack.
We still have plenty for breakfast today when
we get up, which might not be until afternoon,
being we stay up all night. Yep, we’re both
night owls LOL. That in a sense is how that
we came to be LOL. I worked nights and so
I slept during the day which is pretty much how
it is around this place minus the working. Can’t
do that anymore. It sucks when you’re told that
you cannot work anymore due to your health
issues. Although, I guess it’s best being I had
one too many strokes and there was no telling
whether the next one was going to be the one
that took me home. So I guess it’s best that
I’m not working anymore. I would surely be
dead now. God is in control. He needed me
with my writing abilities to share all that I’ve
learned through life. I do that through poetry.
Yes also through haiku LOL! I often wondered
why it was that my thoughts always came out
as poetry. My mind seems to never want to
shut down. Even when I am lying in bed, it
seems poetry is running through my head.
Things that I pray and say to God seem to be
poems coming out so odd. Sorry about that!
LOL I had a poetic moment. We each have
gifts that God has given us, but we might not
be aware of them or even know that we are
doing them every day. The gift of being able
to brighten someone’s day with a smile is one
that many take for granted. The gift of love
and compassion for those that are without
any is a wondrous gift. Many times it is the
love and compassion from someone that gives
another the strength to endure another day.
We might view our problems as the largest,
but there are many out there that have more
to deal with that would make our problems
as just a speck of dust. Let God show you
how you can become a tool that He can use
in your every day life. You will be blessed.
Now, as I hear the cartoon of Yogi bear
coming from our bedroom, I believe it’s time
for me to be taking my little venture back
through all that I’ve written here to see if
I can find a good word or phrase that might
work for the title for today’s brand new poem.
So, it’s away I go to that little place of my
recollection that I like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. I think I found a good title. Now,
let’s see if I have used it before? Nope!
So here goes. Enjoy 🙂

You Will Be Blessed

When times of trouble
come to you
let Lord God
make life anew.
Seek for Him
to find some rest
and then surely
you will be blessed.
When daily struggles
become so great
seek for God
don’t hesitate.
You will be blessed
when you show
His true love
wherever you go.
Don’t let anger
make you stressed.
Find Lord Jesus
you will be blessed.
Let not shadows
become bitter
blacks and grays.
You will be blessed
with loving mind
if you share
with all mankind.
For the bitterness
ones perceive
might become
an endless grieve.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 29, 2013

Ok, so I hope that makes some sense to you :).
I never know if what I’m writing is making sense
to anyone but me LOL. I also find struggles of
humanity and it’s an every day battle. It’s when
I stop and have a little talk with God that I find
a little peace. I hear the answers in my mind. He
has a way of getting the message across to me 🙂
We may at times think He is not listening, but it
is us that are not listening. He is always there
awaiting us to commune with Him. LOL often
I will find myself talking to Him in the weirdest
places LOL. I’m sure He doesn’t mind hehehe.
So, it’s 5:30 AM Monday morning and Judy is
still in the bedroom watching cartoons hehehe
which means I need to hurry and wind this up.
I ask once again for prayers for my brother in
law DD and sister Peggy. They are continuing
to try and enjoy life as best that they can 🙂
I love ya DD. Keep the faith. Peggy, hang in
there. God is in control. Now it’s time for me
to tell ya what I tell ya every week and that is
I wrote yet again more poetry and haiku. Yep,
10 more poems, but no Christmas poems this
week LOL. Yes of course, I wrote 22 more
haiku for all of the haiku lovers out there.
I hope a few of one or the other find a place
inside your heart that grows a smile. So, now
I guess I need to begin my search for that
allusive off switch, but not before I wish you
a most wonderful God filled week. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. Now to find
that off switch. I see ya poking your head
out from behind that curtain LOL, that
is see through. Peekaboo, I see you hehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce

Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehe:)

When Morning Comes

The day begins
when morning comes
bringing sights
as beating drums.
Rhythms beating
time begins
when morning comes
the nighttime ends.
Then as morning
takes its shape
it begins
a minds escape.
Bringing ventures
into view
when morning comes
to me and you.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 28, 2013

A Peaceful Day

While clouds of white
float overhead
they seek to fill
a riverbed.
A peaceful day
with skies of blue
brings to mind
a wondrous view.
Some clouds floating
in the sky
speak their minds as
rains reply.
A peaceful day
of which I see
is from Lord God
great and free.
Yet so often
peace will rest
putting problems
to the test.
A day of wind
and turbulence
will bring faith
unto defense.
Then with moments
prayerful mind
a peaceful day
again you’ll find.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 28, 2013

Beach of Dreams

Somewhere in time
a beach of dreams
floats inside
like cosmic streams.
Scenes so wondrous
that are found
a beach of dreams
is sight and sound.
You and I walk
hand in hand
this beach of dreams
that is so grand.
Our memories
keep this alive
a beach of dreams
in you and I.
We’re there watching
mornings sun
across the sea
that time’s begun.
The ocean view
of every day
is now a beach
that dreams display.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 28, 2013

To Judy Pearce
From Bill Pearce 🙂

With A Loss

As time concurs
its moments course
there is often
some remorse.
Thinking what you
could of done
with a loss of
then someone.
Yet so often
all that’s found
is just letting
guilt aground.
Sometimes moments
we partake
are God’s timing
no mistake.
With a loss
of love of life
many fill
themselves with strife.
Learn that death
is not the end,
but beginning
to ascend.
Don’t let sadness
live in you.
With loss of life
is life anew.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 28, 2013

Nobody Knows

When troubles come
you might not find
that there is One
that knows your mind.
In those moments
go to prayer
and then seek
a breath of air.
Many might think
that nobody knows
the troubles seen
and all their woes,
but surely my friend
there is someone
that knows your heart
from sun to sun.
He is Lord Jesus
and He’s there
to give you peace
amidst a prayer.
Yet so often
you might think
your troubles are
just sands to sink,
but there is
some solid ground
when Lord Jesus
you have found.
You might still think
that nobody knows,
but rest assured
God knows your woes.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 28, 2013

Summer’s Sun

As spring is gone
and surely done
then there’s found
the summer’s sun.
Written in the
days ahead
is often found
blue, green and red.
Summer’s sun
comes beating down
leaving shadows
on the ground.
Scenes of beauty
far and wide
summer’s sun
can’t be denied.
With the glimmers
of sunrise
summers sun
fills up the skies.
It brings changes
found in place
sometimes sunburns
on my face.
Yet that summer
sun of times
brings alive
some great designs.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 28, 2013

The Fan Blades Turn

In the windows
I discern
what I see,
the fan blades turn.
Windows opened
yet no breeze
the fan blades turn
to give at ease.
Blowing in a
breath of air
the fan blades turn
with breath to share.
I sit and listen
to them turning
giving what that
I am yearning.
A simple breeze
as they go round
the fan blades turn
with whirring sound.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 28, 2013

Thinking Too Much

Often ones thinking
might just overload
making them one day
to surely explode.
Thinking too much
can make you insane
as you encompass
each time and again.
Take time for Jesus
and let your thoughts rest,
then maybe thinking
will be at your best.
Don’t let the shadows
of yesterdays thoughts
become as all that
timeframes have lost.
Look for the glimmers
of goodness each day
as you think surely
in a peaceful array.
For thinking too much
can make heads explode
sometimes unknowingly
on down the road.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 28, 2013

The Telephone Rings

I sit and I hear
as the telephone rings
while its irritates
as how that it sings.
It’s often found as
someone’s wrong number
with someone dialing
while they are in slumber.
Or maybe butt dialing
as they walk around
and not realizing
that they are the sound.
The telephone rings
while I’m often thinking
of what to write
of poems not so sinking.
Yet, I get often
fed up with it all
and hit the mute,
to not hear a call.
Then I will sometimes
forget to unmute
and then miss phone calls
that I sought pursuit.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 28, 2013

Wheels In Motion

The gears of life
engage in place
as wheels in motion
face to face.
Time brings factors
into view
as wheels in motion
me and you.
Stages with actors
you and I
wheels in motion
do apply.
The scenes are set
with some colors
wheels in motion
sisters brothers.
We are the ones
to better find
wheels in motion
peace of mind.
Let not differences
be your sight
Be wheels in motion
for what’s right.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 28, 2013

for Apr 28, 2013

With many thinking
the thoughts might be mistaken
with different views.

A glimpse of sunshine
gives hope for a brand new day
as yesterday’s gone.

Not hearing wrong notes
might conclude that you’re tone deaf
or not listening.

The effort of one
can grow stronger with many
and get out of hand.

The scenes of summer
come alive as rain falls down
to water the Earth.

God gives us chances
to change our ways of living,
but just so many.

Time is an echo
that is often repeating
what was never learned.

Night often brings fear
as what’s hidden in darkness,
but there in the light.

Looking too quickly
can cause you much deception
for your sight was short.

A moment in time
carries a few memories
that are the greatest.

While staring outside
the view that is found within
might not be noticed.

What we thought deserved
might not be so correctly,
for your view’s clouded.

Deserts filled with time
find ways of creating things
that aren’t there at all.

Tomorrow’s dreaming
could be a slight misleading
for what that is true.

Shadows at nighttime
can become so many things
and be just a tree.

When summer winds blow
they create a breeze to feel
found within the shade.

Worries only grow
when time is given a chance
to become our fears.

Beyond a window
lives the things that we perceive
as time passing by.

Snowflakes remembered
are as wintertime’s portrait
found inside our mind.

True love encountered
lives on even after death,
for it will not die.

The spirit of God
can thrive in us one and all
if we’ll let Him in.

Yesterdays threshold
is not a guaranteed path,
for things surely change.

©Bill Pearce
Apr 28, 2013

God bless from Bill and Judy
Judy’s New Poetry book 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Long Enough


Hello my friends

My eye is sort of fuzzy right now being I took a couple of
Benadryl early this morning to hopefully give me some rest.
My old allergies are wearing me down LOL. Plus I have
been aching quite a bit more lately due to all of the weather
changes. If it would just stay one way or another I would be
able to maybe adjust LOL. Ok, maybe not hehehehe, but
right now it’s 45 degrees and tonight’s supposed to get down
to 28 F degrees LOL. It is getting close to the end of April
and it still don’t feel like it hehehe. Well, I guess there’s
nothing I can do about the weather, so it’s time to drift off
to another topic LOL. So how have you been? Judy and I
have been doing fairly well. Neither of us has had much of
a want to go anywhere or do anything other then stay home
and veg out LOL. So, we’ve been just watching TV and
playing our many computer games as well as Farm Town
on Facebook. Yes I’m still having a dickens of a time with
this PC, but having to wait till we can afford to send my old
one to Texas to get it repaired. In the mean time, I’m just
doing what I can do with this piece of garbage. We had to
go to our Pioneer internet server and get another modem to
replace the one we had, because our modem was always
ceasing to work. The new one seems to be working well.
It got old having to reboot the darn thing all of the time to
get it to work again and often that didn’t even work LOL.
The weather today is bright and sunny, but it’s still a tad
on the cold side. Today’s high is 45 F degrees which is
what it is right now at 2:40 PM. I’ll be glad when we can
turn off the heaters and lower our light bill a little bit, but
it don’t look like that’s gonna happen any time this month.
Maybe during a few days, but the nights are still rather
cold. Benny is always wanting me to come outside and
play with him, but nowadays I can’t hardly run, due to
my messed up legs. All I can do is sort of hobble hehehe,
but he don’t mind. Maybe when\if it gets a little warmer.
My right knee is messed up bad as well as both of my
ankles. Don’t ya just hate getting old LOL! I sure wish
I could turn back the hands of time on my body, but that
is just a fantasy :). It’s a wild dream I have when I strain
to just get up out of my chair. My right eye is clearing up
a little bit now, so the Benadryl must be wearing off LOL,
so it’s on with my sneezing which should resume shortly.
Hehehe I sneeze in rapid fire. Never just one sneeze :-\.
Yeppers, I think the neighbors can even hear me with our
windows closed LOL. Me and my mom both sneeze loudly.
That’s what I inherited from her hehehehe, thanks mom.
So, what else is going on around the Pearce’s Place? Not
much of anything other than our regular stuff that I’ve
mostly already mentioned. Oh yea, Judy has been finding
some great recipes on the net and been fixing us many
different menus. Some are great, but some didn’t pan
out so well. It’s a hit and miss to see what works and
so far, most have turned out pretty darned good hehehe.
She made some Cheese Danishes yesterday for breakfast
that were great and we had some left over so that’s gonna
be breakfast for today. LOL yes we eat breakfast in the
evening, being we don’t actually ever go to bed until it’s
around 4 or 5 AM in the morning and we will often watch
TV till we fall asleep |-) Yeppers, we’re both night owls.
It’s almost time for me to feed the boys. They get all
excited when I’m fixing their food LOL. Milo jumps
around like a little kangaroo. Benny does that all the
time 🙂 so that’s nothing new hehehe. Yet Benny also
gets real excited when I am fixing their Mighty Dog
for them to eat hehehe. They love their Mighty Dog.
Of course they actually mostly just love FOOD LOL.
They’re both in here lying in their doggy beds beside
Judy and I. They love to be near us as well as each
other hehehe. It’s still 45 F degrees at 3:11 PM, so
no change there. The temperature should start going
down in a few hours Yee haw 🙁 So what else is there
to talk about? I’m thinking about buying us a portable
Air Conditioner to use when summer does get here,
because we do often have a few days that are in the
90’s and many in the 80’s which added with all of the
humidity that we have up here makes it very sticky
and uncomfortable. I wish we could use a window unit,
but all of our windows open sideways and a window
unit won’t fit. It looks like there’s no rain in our
forecast for this week and that’s an oddity hehehe.
Yet, I do know that the weather can change at the
drop of a hat and I’m always dropping my hat LOL.
Judy just brought me my breakfast, so I’m gonna
stop and eat my Cheese Danish that’s yummy for
my tummy 🙂 I’m almost finished eating hehehehe.
Done! Now it’s back to my rambling 🙂 I just took
our dishes to the kitchen and ran some water in
them so they can soak. Now, what else is there
to talk about? Hmmm, it seems I’m just about
empty of rambling material LOL. Now, it seems
that Milo is wanting to talk a bit hehehe as he tries
to mutter words in his low volume barks and grrrrrs.
I know, he wants me to feed him, but he’ll have
to wait just the same as Benny. Benny is lying in
his doggy bed and now Milo has finally gotten in
his as well. Now, maybe I can write without them
trying to get our attention. I never feed them before
4 PM and its not quite 4 yet. The Pearce’s Place is
most surely blessed. Judy and I have found many
blessings in our lives and yes, we are both in bad
health, but we have each other and we have our
little boys as well as our families and friends. Of
course most of my family and friends are many miles
away. But in this day and time I am able to call
them, send them emails and even send them some
pictures which we could not of done if this was the
olden days back before computers and even before
telephones. Back in those days we relied on the
snail mail which would often take a while to reach
its destination back in the 1800’s and early 1900’s
and most assuredly before then. Yes, we have
a lot to be grateful for nowadays. So, have you
thanked God for all that you have and all that He
has done for you? We might not be aware of it
often, but God is always at work in our lives, but
many people ignore His word and ways and head
off down their own road to destruction. Sometimes
they’ll live long enough to find their way back, but
often they do not. Many are misled by the lies
of Satan. Don’t fall for it. Satan promises only
things that will work for your demise and loss of
your soul. Seek for the ways that are good that
only God can give. Don’t let greed to infiltrate
your mind and cause you to lust for another’s way
of living or to become better than you need to
be. We are each unique in our lives and ways
that God works with us. Become a useful tool
that God can mold into a beautiful blessing to be
found. Now since I have gone and rambled more
than normal LOL, I guess I need to cease it and
begin my little journey back through all of this
rambling and try to find a good word or phrase
that I can use for the title for today’s brand new
poem. So, it’s away I go to that lil place of my
recollection that I like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. I think I found a good title, but once
again, the proof is in the pudding hehehehehe
so we shall see huh. Here goes!

Long Enough

Some think they have
long enough
time to time
to do their stuff.
Yet so often
they will find
they were lacking
in their time.
When God shows us
things to do
we need to find
His greater view.
Yet so often
times so tough
makes ones think
it’s long enough.
Not perceiving
what’s in turn
from long enough
for us to learn.
Lessons surely
come in place
as long enough
is filled with Grace.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 21, 2013

Ok, so there ya go. I hope that poem made sense to ya.
My rambling didn’t put you to sleep did it hehehehehe?
I hope not! Well, there isn’t much else to talk about.
My brother in law DD is still hanging in there. My sister
and him have been trying to do things together to enjoy
their time together. Being DD is not expected to live
beyond this year. I too was not expected to be living
due to my many health issues, but God still has work
for me to do, so I am still alive. I feel that if your time
is up, your time is up and doctors can only guess at it.
Remember, they are PRACTICING MEDICINE and
learning new things every day, but much is out of their
field of expertise. So, I am still with faith that God
will heal DD unless DD’s timeframe on Earth is at
end which God will show him a new life. All in all, it
will all work out, but please continue to pray for
DD and Peggy as well as their kids. So what else
is there to say. My mom is doing well. Her mom
is keeping her busy. My grandmother, (my mom’s
mom) is still alive at 105 and will be 106 in September.
Grandmother is in the nursing home, but still does
a lot of walking about the halls hehehe. I can still
smell and taste her fried apple pies that she used
to bake and send over to me to stuff my tummy 🙂
I love ya grandmother and yes you already know
I love you mom hehehe. So now it’s time for me
to be telling you what I tell you practically every
week and that is, I wrote some more poems and
haiku. Yeppers, 10 more poems with one of them
being a Christmas poem. Also once again I wrote
22 more haiku for all of the haiku lovers out there.
I hope that you find one or two that bring you a
smile. Now it’s about time for me to begin my
search for that confounded off switch, but not
before I wish you a most wonderful God filled
week. Remember, Jesus loves you and we do too.
Now, to find that off switch. There ya are you
little whippersnapper. Hiding in the same old
places won’t save ya, so under my keyboard surely
won’t save ya hehehe. You need to find you some
new hiding places LOL. Gotcha, see ya CLICK

God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce

Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Out Through The Window

A new day has risen
with each sight I view
out through the window
with a sky maybe blue.
Sights are partaken
as each day is found
out through the window
with many a sound.
I hear the wind blowing
and feel every gust
out through the window
that’s opened quite just.
In blows the breezes
of now and today
as out through the window
the moment’s at play.
Seen oh so clearly
as the day comes to end
out through the window
becomes a good friend.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 20, 2013

Springtime Comes

Winter’s subsiding
with each rising sun
while it’s allowing
dear springtime to come.
Seasons are changing
as a daily surprise
while springtime comes in
to fill up the skies.
Rain showers pouring
as spring waters flow
helping the flowers
to blossom and grow.
When springtime comes in
it gives us so true
the settings of beauty
of which we can view.
Wintertime’s windows
will open agin
when spring and summer
have led fall to end.
Yet springtime comes now
as I’m looking out
seeing its beauty
without any doubt.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 20, 2013

Painting A Morning

With many colors
of days cloudy skies
painting a morning
creates a surprise.
Sometimes with colors
that blend thereunto
bringing the moments
alive then to view.
Yet often morning
is gradual to see
as all the colors
of an in flowing sea.
Scattered with blessings
each morning is found
painted with glimmers
of sights all around.
Yet often mornings
are painted so light
that they still glisten
the colors of night.
Rainclouds have hidden
the sunshine above
painting a morning
with waters of love.
Then with the showers
of morning times art
there are the paintings
that God does impart.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 20, 2013

Links To God

Our lives might seem
times not so great
when we view what’s
out of date.
Links to God
in many places
often have
so many faces.
Sometimes links
are found in frame
of a time
we can’t explain.
Often our links
are hidden from view
in what we daily
often will do.
Links to God
are many times found
when we don’t think
that He is around.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 20, 2013

Winter’s Style

Beginning in winter
snowflakes will fall
as they awaken.
sometime over all.
Many will hang up
lights all aglow
then oh so Christmassy
found in the snow.
Even on rooftops
hung with a smile
there is dear Christmastime
in winter’s style.
Winter’s perception
then lit very bright
as that of Christmastime
deep in the night.
Lights all a twinkling
here thereunto
found within winter’s style
as Christmas view.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 20, 2013

Losing Their Mind

The wall’s closing in
as time moves along
leaving the thoughts
of all that is gone.
Those are the times
that many will find
thinking that they are
losing their mind.
Overdoing thinking
of timeframes of past
will surely make some
bad shadows cast.
Don’t let the troubles
of yesterdays view
prevent you from starting
right now fresh and new.
Many will hold to
a bad times design
and it will find them
just losing their mind.
Find now the peace in
God’s Holy Grace
as you then find a
much better place.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 20, 2013

While Seconds Pass

As hours are counted
the minutes tick on
now and forever
from dusk unto dawn.
While seconds pass
with every occurrence
time passes on
that many can sense.
Hours make days
as minutes are counted
while every second
is surely surmounted.
While we are watching
our shadows will cast
as all the minutes then
while seconds pass.
Seasons will beckon
their timeframes to come
while seconds pass
to each dawning sun.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 20, 2013

Cloudless Days

Sunshine shines
so bright to see
on cloudless days
God’s given free.
The storms of time
are faded sights
with cloudless days
and cloudless nights.
Yet some clouds might
come to view
and make the skies
a grayish hue.
But those clouds
up overhead
might need fill
a riverbed.
So those clouds
might pour some rain
for that time
to then attain.
Then the cloudless
days return
for God’s beauty
to discern.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 20, 2013

Long and Winding Roads

Our daily journeys
that we take
often are
a big mistake.
Long and winding
roads of time
often have a
bad design.
Sometimes roads
we’ve taken true
were just wanted
moments view
and those long
and winding roads
led us where
something explodes.
While not allowing
God to guide
the roads were just
a Hellish ride.
Yet some lessons
can be found
when you stop
and look around.
The long and winding
roads we drive
might need us
to look alive.
Opened eyes
through then and there
can make roads
to go somewhere.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 20, 2013


A simple shadow
person fed
seems a little
bit misled.
It might look as
it if it’s owner
is the one
around the corner,
but the misled
shadow seen
might just be in
someone’s dream.
A misled moment
found somewhere
might just be
what ones compare.
It might not be
bad at all.
It might be
a bouncing ball.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 20, 2013

for Apr 20, 2013

When now is saddened
find a smile in memories
and then move along.

Morning brings illusions
hidden within the shadows
that ones mistaken.

Lives are as blessings
that many take for granted
as future meets past.

A moment recalled
might become either lessons
or just a nightmare.

Tree leaves are growing
as springtime’s alive and well
and winter is gone.

A flowers beauty
comes as honesty in time
found in a rose bud.

Things we remember
are often the things in time
that will hold us back.

Nobody’s perfect
for we all make mistakes each day,
but might not see them.

Various turnstiles
lead us to many places
that end in despair.

A normal person
will be misled by people
that are not normal.

A twitching shadow
will show a nervous person
or having a stroke.

Needing another
is the normality found
in ones honesty.

When a flower grows
it creates its family
as seeds strewn about.

Hearing one lying
is not the same as hearsay,
for it might be false.

Trying times will come
bringing lessons to grow on
that we might not like.

No is overused
when people don’t understand
and do not wish to.

Making a flower
out of a persons lifestyle
needs a little help.

Beyond this moment
lies the glimmers of hopeful
that we need to find.

Meaningless chatter
often fills the room of time
while many will sleep.

Harvesting a thought
needs you to know it’s ready
or end up empty.

Pining over things
leaves you open to some things
that you might not need.

Hard headed people
will often find destruction
through many lessons.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 20, 2013

God bless from Bill and Judy
Judy’s New Poetry book 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Another Existence


Hello my friends

How are you today? I’m doing pretty well. Found a way to
get my emails published for a while until I can afford to send
my old PC to Texas to get it fixed. I do all of my writing on
this PC and then send it to Judy’s PC which has Windows XP
and Outlook Express. I have Started a profile for me on her
email and copied my email addresses over to it. Of course
a few are out of date, being the only backed up WAB file
was for 2010 LOL, but it will do for a while. I was able to
remember a few of the email changes and get them updated.
So it’s onwards with my rambling. The weather up this way
is showing signs of warming up a little. Right now it’s 41 F
degrees at 3:30 PM. We’re expecting a little more snow
tonight though with a low of 28 F degrees. It should melt
away tomorrow being we’re supposed to be 50 F degrees
for the high. I am ready for some warm weather, but not
too warm LOL, because haven’t got air conditioner. All
we have is a bunch of fans. So please God, no 90 degree
weather . Judy and I cannot wait for summer to do some
cooking out on our little grill and be able to play with the
boys outside. I have been going out to play with them
from time to time, but the ice is hard on me and I can’t
handle many more falls. My old body’s already falling
apart LOL. Judy’s in the kitchen now doing a little bit
of cleaning. Benny and Milo must be in there watching
her, because they’re not in here with me. There’s not
too awful much going at the Pearce’s Place. Nope it’s
been rather quiet around here lately of course aside from
Benny barking at every little sound that he hears LOL.
It doesn’t bark loudly. he kind of barks under his breath.
LOL if somebody knocks on a door on a TV program
he thinks it’s our front door and starts heading for the
door while barking all the way hehehe. I liked it a lot
better when he didn’t bark at all I think LOL. Oh well,
I just open the door and show him that there is nobody
out there and he’s content and hushes. Hehehe ya talk
about silly, we have a big pan of dried dog food sitting
in the floor in here and when they want a treat, all we’ve
gotta do is scoop some out of the pan and put it on their
food dishes and they’ll eat it. They won’t eat the food
out of the pan unless they are starving and that’s not
ever gonna be an issue LOL. We feed them one can
of Mighty Dog a piece every day They love Mighty
Dog hehehe Woof Woof . Yeppers these two boys
are nutty, but we love them. Judy and the boys just
came back in here. Now the boys are in their doggie
beds in the floor beside us. This is most surely one
exciting household huh . We have yet to of started
another game of hidden objects, but we might just do
it this week sometime. Judy took the boys over to her
sisters house the other day and they got to play with
their cousins Fenway and Willow and their pups. The
pups are 7 weeks old. Judy took a lot of pictures of
them and Benny and Milo playing with them. Milo
simply loved the pups as well as Benny. I would have
gone with her, but I was feeling peaked and stayed
home. Plus I don’t think I would of enjoyed listening
to Judy and Trudy for 7 or 8 hours hehehehehehehe.
They talk about things that I’m not interested in .
Anyways, I spent my time just goofing around on the
computer here at home. So what else is going on here
at the Pearce’s Place? Not much to be honest! We’ve
been watching all of our favorite TV programs and
still doing Farm Town on Facebook. We’re enjoying
our time together along with the boys. God has most
surely blessed us and our home. Yes, we do have our
fair share of problems, but we become stronger after
each event. Let your troubles to be an exercise bike
for you. Don’t let them take you down. If you will
take a little look into your past, I’m sure you will
see a few things you went through that you thought
you could never survive, but you did and you became
much stronger for it. God knows what we can handle
and what He must send an angel to help us through.
Trust in Him that all will be well, for even when our
time on Earth is up, another existence of life begins
that is forever. Death on Earth is not the end, but
the beginning. Live your life with truth and love in
your heart and things will fall in place. Don’t try
to live a lie. It will come back to haunt you. Now,
it’s time for me to cease my rambling for a while
and begin my journey back through all that I have
written here to see if I can find me a good word or
phrase that might work for a good title for today’s
brand new poem . So it’s away I go to that place
of my recollection that I like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. I think I found a good title just a little ways
back in my rambling. Now, let’s see if I can write
a decent poem using it LOL. Here goes.

Another Existence

With every perception
comes many that see
things found evolving
around you and me.
Another existence
on times other plane
that is found often
with greater to gain.
Yet many out there
will choose not so well
and their existence
is found deep in Hell.
Don’t let your mindset
to be just of greed.
Let God to help you
with all that you need.
Another existence
is waiting for you
so tell me my friend
are you living true?
Are you awaiting
with heartbeats desire
filled with the passion
of God’s Holy Fire?
Another existence
is after we pass
waiting for us to
seek what’s to last.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 14, 2013

Ok, so there ya go. I sure hope you understood the poem
and my rambling didn’t bore ya to sleep LOL. I’ve always
had this ability to write. God gave it to me and I used in the
past for just the wrong reasons. Although even in my past
I found myself writing things that God had put on my heart.
Poetry has been a part of life since I was a little boy. Even
before I could write well, I would find little poems coming
out of my mouth. Most never knew, because I never made
that part of my life open for others. Yet, my oldest friend
and blood brother Mark Green knew of it, being he heard
me often rattling off poems when I was in the single digits
of age LOL. I was always afraid others would think that
I was weird to be doing poetry. Now days, I could care
less what people think about it LOL, being if you have
a favorite song or 2 that you love, it just so happens that
the lyrics are POETRY . All of my poems, I can sing
to you in a heartbeat. Judy’s seen me do it many times.
It’s one of God’s gifts that He gave to me. We all have
gifts, but we often are not aware of them until the time
is right. When my life came to a screeching halt back
in 1990 from the world that I had been living, I found
that my poetry was enhanced with thoughts that were
able to help others and in that time frame Animal’s
Greetings was born. Life had run its course as all that
I had been through became lessons in life. God was
allowing me to go through what I needed to go through
so that I could grow more fluently. Oh yea, I need to
tell you what I tell ya every week and that is, I wrote
some more poems and haiku. Yeppers, 10 more
poems with one being sort of Christmassy. Also I
wrote once again 22 more haiku for all of the haiku
lovers out there. I hope enjoy them. So there ya go.
My life in a nutshell LOL. Now, I believe I need to
begin searching for that confounded off switch that
just loves to irritate me with hide and seek hehehehe,
but not before I wish you a most wonderful and God
filled week. Remember, Jesus loves you and we
do too. Now, it’s time to find that silly off switch.
Ah Hah, there ya are you little bugger hehehehe.
Hiding over at Judy’s PC won’t save ya being I’ve
gotta use her PC now to do send the emails LOL.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce

Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehe

When Days Have Passed

As time goes by
with every sign
seasons change
from time to time
When days have passed
they leave their mark
found within
the light and dark.
Things we smell
and touch and feel,
seasons show their
true appeal.
Some with snowflakes,
some with rain
while some seem as
so insane.
Different seasons
come in place
as the flavors
many taste.
When days have passed
they show their style
that which makes
a moments mile.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 13, 2013

A Different Age

Today’s a day
as time is gone
ticking as
a moments bomb.
Just awaiting
to release
a different age
of piece by piece.
Things we see
as now and then
a different age
remembers when.
So with minutes
hours find
a different age
from time to time.
This is the day
to change your view
of what all that
you thought you knew.
A different age
as things are learned
often change
what we’ve discerned.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 13, 2013

Without God

Our tomorrows
from today
need us each
to daily pray.
For without God
our tomorrows
will be only
saddened sorrows.
Scenes so empty
that consume
every moments
Without God
we’d surely be
without hope
for you and me.
For with God
we can be strong
if we’ll trust Him
dawn to dawn.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 13, 2013

Winter in Spring

Up northeast
in Houlton Maine
there’s a town near
to attain.
A little town
with much to bring
often seen as
winter in spring.
This little town
is hidden from view
out in the boonies
found thereunto.
Winter in spring
is often the case
found within April
and snow on my face.
Maybe in time
the weather will show
portions of summer
without any snow.
Yet surely springtime
will not be found,
because in New Limerick
there’s snow on the ground.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 13, 2013

As I Assess

Looking now forwards
I can remember
things in the past days
found in December
As I assess them
those thoughts way back when
I now look forward
and see them again.
Timeless those journeys
from Christmas of past
seem as remembered
with blessings that last.
I find those moments
of so long ago
still living in me
wherever I go.
All of those Christmases
I find the best
are now within me
as I assess.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 13, 2013

The Smallest One

While looking outwards
and not looking in
you might just miss ones
time and agin.
So often small things
fall from our view
not realizing
what all they can do.
Times we’ve ignored things
just for their size
we’ve often found a
bitter surprise.
Even the smallest one
that we ignore
could be the greatest
we need to explore.
Often a person found
so small in life
will be the best of
a husband or wife.
So don’t go judging
what you do not know,
for it might haunt you
wherever you go.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 13, 2013

Looking Ahead

Windows of winter
still are displaying
while I find springtime
what I am praying.
Yet it seems springtime
is not to come
here in New England
with each dawning sun.
Looking ahead now
I can see summer
that without springtime
is such a bummer.
So as I search now
seeking for Spring
I still see snowflakes
that seem to cling.
Holding for dear life
till they melt away.
I’m looking ahead
for a much warmer day.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 13, 2013

Finding At Last

Within my passed days
I only saw
things I had done then
I did recall.
I only saw all
the minutes in play
while not perceiving
what happened each day.
Yet finding at last now
who I’d become
I see the stages
of each setting sun.
Then I saw turmoil,
but now I see true
all of the lessons
that came in my view.
Finding at last then
I looked to see
how all those hard times
created made me.
Now I look truly
at my shadows past
at all the lessons
while finding at last.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 13, 2013

A Weary Day

The clouds I see now
are floating on by
with me with questions
of who, where and why.
Seeing some dark ones
maybe with rain
or maybe snowflakes
for now to attain.
A weary day finds time
within each view
found as the moments that
we misconstrue.
Things we have pondered
watching the sky.
Why are they floating
there oh so high?
A weary day’s minute
is what many find
when they’re not looking
with blessings in mind.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 13, 2013

Just Waiting

Windows closed now
while I look
seeing things that
I mistook.
Just waiting for
what I can’t see
now to come and
be with me.
Seconds tick on
passing by
while just waiting
as I sigh.
This is my day
looking now
seeing how time
does endow.
Minutes hours
turn to days
while just waiting
in amaze.
Then I wake up
and find true
all the good things
in my view.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 13, 2013

for Apr 13, 2013

The little problems
can become as great mountains
if we ignore them.

Our ventures in time
can become lessons in life
as minutes tick on.

A child that sees you
often knows more than you think,
so don’t lie to them.

With today’s dawning
comes the ventures to be seen
that could live decades.

Without yesterday
today would not have a chance,
for nothing was learned.

While we might be wrong,
we also might just be right
in different light.

Inside a window
holds the views that many see
without going out.

Tomorrows journey
begins one step at a time
beginning today.

Lingering patterns
might slip back into your life
if you allow them.

Hearing a hoot owl
breaks the silence of nightfall
as it echoes through.

Meaningless chatter
only fills up ones journey
with many headaches.

While many will sleep
there are others that do not,
because of much pain.

Now is just a time
that comes and goes with thinking
and soon fades way.

Blessings will find you
when they are least expected,
so do not give up.

Links to our sadness
are often found in our minds
not seeing the good.

Nobody’s perfect
so why act as if you are.
Only Jesus is.

Today brings us hope
for tomorrows mysteries
that might be better.

When a storm passes
it leaves its remains intact
in our memories.

Morning will blossom
displaying its own beauty
that time can record.

Holding too tightly
can prevent any changes
that God has for you.

Believing in God
needs you to step out on faith
and trust every step.

While sitting around
the world continues onwards,
so get up and move.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 13, 2013

God bless from Bill and Judy

Judy’s New Poetry book 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on UTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Please Lord


Hello my friends

Well, I am being forced to write my journal and all on this dumb
computer and send it to Judy’s to do it up the way I like it as well
as be able to send it, being that Windows 9 sucks and will not work
to send to my grouped mail. I have redone the groups and it will
not keep the email addresses in the groups. I noticed it the first
time I sent email from it. My grouped emails only sent to maybe
1 or 2 and in some cases wouldn’t send because it said there were
no email addresses to send to. So if you are using Windows XP,
don’t get Windows 8 unless you have absolutely no choice. I’m
still going to send my other PC to my friends Ron and Mandy
in Texas and hopefully they can fix it. Then maybe I can get
back to my writings as always. Until then, I will play ping pong
with computers to try and get this done. Boy this ticks me off,
but at the moment I haven’t any other choice. So, it’s off of my
bickering “hopefully” and onto a maybe lighter subject hehehe.
How was your weekend? Ours was OK. We finished a game
of hidden object and are ready to start another. We did our
farms on Farm Town again. They have added another level
so Judy and I now have 18 farms on each profile LOL Yes,
I know it’s not much of a life, but I do get a little peace while
messing with the game. The weather up this way is warming
up a bit. It’s supposed to get up to 52 F today and right now
it’s 40 F degrees at 5:45 in the A.M. We’ve still got a few
patches of snow here and there. Benny is always looking for
them to play in LOL. He’s gonna miss the snow when it is
all gone. I won’t! Nope, I’ll be happy when it is all gone
and the weather warms up a little. We’re sick of these high
electric bills from having to use our electric radiator heaters.
Thankfully we live on a hill with no obstructions, because
that gives us a good breeze. Nope we don’t have an AC.
The air conditioner that was in this house when we moved
in quit working after the first year. The motor froze up
and for that matter, where it is in the living room, it did
very little good anyways. We spend most of our time in
here “the PC room” and our bed room. Hey, it’s not like
we go bouncing from room to room hehehe. We watch TV
in here and in the bedroom. We only go in the living room
when we have company, which I might add, is on a very
rare occasion. Nope, we don’t have many people visiting
us. We live a very quiet life hehehehehehe. sometimes.
Nope, it ain’t quiet when I’m beating on my conga drums.
LOL would you believe it, this stupid Windows Live email
program said that ain’t wasn’t a word LOL. I had to add
it saying yes it is. I want Windows XP back with my good
old Outlook Express. You can’t install Outlook Express
on Windows 8. Oh well, back to my rambling hehehehehe.
It rained a bit yesterday as well as last night, but it isn’t
raining today at least not now. My eyes are very tired
being I haven’t been able to get any sleep. This computer
has been wearing on me. I’ve kept trying to fix the darned
email, but it just will not comply. Hopefully after I get this
all written, I can lie down and get some rest. I’m asking
God for a little peace. Please Lord, let my mind to find
some rest. I find that when I sit in continuous prayer that
I can often relax. Not always , but most times. There
are times that it takes me a while to wind down, being
I’m in too much pain. Yet, God hears my prayers and
slowly gives me rest. If you’re in need of some peace
away from the turmoil of life, then take it to God, for
He is there for us one and all awaiting to give to us
what we need. I know, I often let the pressures that
life throws my way to wear on my mind, but I sooner
or later give it to Him, because I’m not strong enough.
Let God help you today. His Son is waiting to pick you
up and dust you off, but you must allow Him. Now, it’s
time for me to begin my little search back through all
that I’ve written here to see if I can find a good word or
phrase that might work for the title for today’s brand
new poem. So, it’s away I go to that little place of my
recollection that I always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. I think I may have found a decent title, but
we shall see if I can write a good poem using it, huh.
Here’s goes hehehe!

Please Lord

Today oh Lord
I pray to You
to hear my prayers
and answer true.
Please Lord God
I ask for peace
within Your Love
of days release.
Now I pray
as time moves on
to you Dear Lord
for pain be gone.
Give to me
some peace to breathe
for within You
I believe.
Please Lord God
give me fresh air
as to answer
moments prayer.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 8, 2013

So, there ya go. I hope I didn’t bore ya to death hehehe.
I also hope the poem helped you. The prayer was from me
to God, but I’m sharing with you. My brother in law is still
hanging in there. Please continue to pray for him and my
sister. So, I guess I’ve about exhausted my thoughts for
rambling LOL. Plus my eyesight is also just about gone,
so I reckon I need to be telling you what I tell you every
week and that is I wrote some poems and haiku. Yeppers,
10 more poems with one of them being a Christmas poem.
Also once again I wrote 22 haiku, but with one extra being
I got carried away LOL. So, I hope you enjoy them or at
least a few. It’s time for me to begin my search for that
silly off switch that loves to play hide and seek, but not
before I wish you a most wonderful and God filled week.
Remember, Jesus loves you and we do too. Now to find
that off switch. OK so hiding under Benny’s doggie bed
won’t save ya. I can see the lump hehehehehehehehehe.
Gotha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce

Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22+1 hehehehehehehehehe

When Seasons Change

Our journeys forward
found in time
become a dusty
trail to climb.
Things remembered
now so strange
become the pictures
when seasons change.
Often our minutes
seem like hours
while walking onwards
time empowers.
Timeless are echoes
as they become us
Our journeys forward
as each stage
when seasons change.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 6, 2013

Within A Time

Sometimes heartbeats
might just cease
leaving moments
without peace.
Within a time
those beating frames
might just be
forgotten names.
Within a time
in history
things might seem
too bad to be,
but those segments
we recall
might just be
a bitter fall.
Every moment
we define,
might just be
within a time.
Things we’ve done
real sad to see
might be lessons

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 6, 2013

Winter Fades

Signs of winter
fading fast
are now what
the shadows cast.
Bringing forth
some sights to see
from Lord God
and given free.
Winter fades
as springtime grows
giving life
a fragrant rose.
Snowy patches
melt away
leaving room
for a sunny day.
The leaves on trees
are soon to find
day to day
their own design.
Displayed as
a summers day
after Springtime
then in May.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 6, 2013

Lengthy Storms

When our days are
filled with grays
we might misconstrue
the days.
They might not be
all that bad,
but our vision
stays so sad.
Lengthy storms might
be in view
living in the
things we do.
Don’t let storm clouds
day to day
become all that
does display.
Look for glimmers
in each frame
that are good things
to attain.
Let those lengthy
storms of time
change a lemon
to a lime.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 6, 2013

Christmastimes Haze

With ending of Christmas
so many forget
and then continue
with lives so upset.
The Christmas view
is found in their gaze
as just a segment
of Christmas haze.
Often those people
will just move along
letting the feeling
of Christmas be gone.
Not letting Christmas
to be better seen
running as waters
of God’s given stream.
Don’t be one leaving
your Christmastime views
found in December
as just olden news.
Let Christmas shine on
each day that your found
just like it’s Christmas
each day so abound.
Don’t let the feeling
to just go away.
Turn Christmas haze
to a wonderful day.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 6, 2013

Tomorrows Refuge

Wonders are often
as yesterdays luge
ridden as hopeful
tomorrows refuge.
So many people
will ride down a hill
leading to sorrow
for now to fulfill.
In that old sleigh ride
time might befall
tree limbs of torment
of then to recall.
Tomorrows refuge
could be just a game
headed down pathways
of oh so insane.
Don’t let your sleigh ride
to lead you away
from what that God has
for you today.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 6, 2013

Assorted Dreams

Dreams filled with hopeful
from prayers of design
then become patterned with
greater in time.
Assorted dreams
that come day and night
can become blessings
or maybe a fright.
For if a dreamer
just seeks only gain
he or she might just
find only pain.
Seek for assorted
dreams running true
filled with the blessings
that are best for you.
Don’t let your dreaming
to be filled with greed.
Dream of the things
that you really need.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 6, 2013

The Least of Times

While moving forwards
our shadows will show
places remembered
from where that we go.
Sometimes those shadows
might be best designs,
but at the moment were
the least of times.
Often while thinking
of things done and said
the least of times
will float through our head.
Finding regretful
for what’s just a haze
as the least of times
becomes better days.
Look now at blessings
that God’s given you
and see what least is
better to view.
Sometimes the small things
that come to be
become the largest
for you and me.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 6, 2013

While Sitting Alone

In the early hours
of mornings sunrise
I sit alone with
my sleepy eyes.
While every minute
just fades from view
I am wondering
what I’m to do.
Thoughts fill my mind
of scenes I recall
found as a fragrance
of October fall.
I find my thinking
just slipping away
into the wonders
beginning in May.
While sitting alone
I find all my thoughts
as just a fragrance
that I run across.
Scenes I have captured
in my photographs
that are now memories
that surely last.
Pigmented colors
that time has surmised
become my ventures
with eyes opened wide.
While sitting alone
I take now to heart
all of those ventures
then from the start.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 6, 2013

The Day’s At End

Evening comes slowly
as the sun fades away
at the days end
of a sunshine display.
Soon all the stars
will twinkle their view
the way that they always
often will do.
The day’s at end
as time ticks along
while all the shadows
of day then are gone.
Leaving but only
glimmers sunshine
as the reflections
of moonlight of time.
The day’s at end
and now I must rest
leaving the moments of
thoughts to digest.
Letting the evening
to come in with stars
that often includes
Venus and Mars.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 6, 2013

for Apr 6, 2013

Lives without problems
have no lessons to learn from
and remain stupid.

Scenes within springtime
are as echoes of heartbeats
found in a glimmer.

Many a venture
leads to troublesome turnstiles
that repeat often.

Within a mere breath
is a life flowing essence
that shares conclusions.

While many storms grow
they also create beauty
that attract others.

Leaving your safe place
requires some faith in Jesus
that it will work out.

Morning leaves patterns
with shadow like memories
that night did befall.

Least is better
when the most is not lessoned.
Do what you’re able.

Simple memories
come alive within our dreams
as subconscious thoughts.

Living in bubbles
will prevent you from learning
what life is about.

Winter winds whistle
like a piper of cold air
changing directions.

The leaves of springtime
come slowly alive each day
while some flower blooms.

Nobody’s perfect,
yet many think that they are
and prove they’re stupid.

When filled with sorrow
let your heart to find Jesus
and give it to Him.

Now is a moment
that then might never recall
unless you’re ready.

True love’s not shallow,
but many misuse the word
to acquire something.

Tomorrow’s not here
so do your best now today
and all will be well.

While searching for dreams
you might find a few nightmares
that snuck in the door.

Looks are deceiving
and can become bitter sights,
so look much deeper.

As winter subsides
it leaves portions of itself
as cracks in the road.

Sight in a mirror
reflects a persons outside
not seeing within.

Believing in ghost
gives flight to understanding
what many may see.

A blessed moment
can bring alive a heartbeat
that you remember.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 6, 2013

God bless from Bill and Judy

Judy’s New Poetry book 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on UTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂

Watching Over Us


Hello my friends

I hope you had a great Easter. Judy and I went up to Caribou
Maine and spent the day with her family. We had a great day
playing all kinds of board games. Judy made many different
varieties of fudge which I wasn’t able to eat any of due to my
health issues, but everybody else there enjoyed it. We brought
Benny and Milo with us and chained them up outside. Those
boys got muddy as heck from all of the melting snow hehehehe.
I’ve gotta give them both a bath today sometime. It’s snowed
a bit today as well as rained off and on. I was going to write
the journal yesterday, but there was no time and thought that
there might not be that many that would even read it yesterday
anyways LOL, being it was Easter. So here I am wrestling
with this confounded PC once again to get this journal written
today . Most of all I am being slowed down by my virus
scanner as it runs its scheduled scan LOL. Oh well, I put
the scan on low priority so to use less systems. That way
I can maybe get this written. So what else has happened in
this place? Well I exchanged the RAM chips out of Judy’s
broken PC for the ones in her old PC that she is using now
and it has sped it up. It doubled her RAM memory, so now
she’s happy. Her PC is moving along at a smooth clip. Now
if I can ever get my old PC repaired and even maybe buy
a faster processor for this PC I’ll be in business hehehe.
The processor in this PC is way to ssssslow. It’s a 1.4 Ghz.
Oh well, it’ll do till I can get something done with my old
that was much faster. Yet, life goes on as many of you may
not even have a clue of what I’ve been talking about .
So, It’s on with my journal! Judy and I have gotten back
to playing Farm Town, being her old PC is running much
better. I just take it slowly, but this PC works OK when
using Google Chrome to do Farm Town. We haven’t done
our hidden object game in the last few days. We’re playing
The Fall Trilogy. We’re on the 1st of the three. We might
get back to the game this week. I’ll be glad when I get my
SSD check Wednesday, Both Judy and I are broke with
only a few bucks between us. This year has started off with
some costly affairs. We’ve been out of heating oil for well
over a month and a half and been relying on three small
radiator heaters to keep us sort of warm LOL. They’ve
run up our light bills a tad. I’ll be glad when winter is over.
Then maybe we can work on saving up for some heating
oil for next winter LOL. Until then, we’ll survive as best
that we can. If you haven’t gotten a copy of Judy’s poetry
book, then by all means get one . She writes beautiful!
We don’t know if they will sell enough to be able to give
Judy any money for it, but we’re hoping. She only gets
8 percent of sells. Oh well, I’m still very proud of her.
She’s my little poet and I love her bunches . So, what
else is there going around the Pearce’s Place? Not much
else! Nope, we live a rather mundane lifestyle. Benny
and Milo are asleep in their little doggie beds right beside
Judy and I. I’m still pulling evergreen leaves out of their
hair LOL. Yeppers, after I get them all out, they’re both
headed to the showers hehehe. They love to get showers.
Benny will try to climb back in the shower after I have
taken him out hehehe. Milo just sits calmly as I wash
him. I do them separately to keep myself from being
bathed along with them LOL. I like to take my showers
alone and preferably without my clothes on hehehehehe.
To make a long story short, God is still watching over
us. We’re still hanging in there as our struggles make
us stronger. We’re all looking forward to summertime.
I’ll be able to go outside and maybe play a little more
with Benny and Milo. Judy and I might even have a few
cook outs. Wish we had a better grill, but the one we
have will have to do. I’ll set up our picnic table and
lawn chairs as we begin our photographic tour through
summertime. God has blessed our home with so many
wonders. We have beauty right outside our front door
and we have each other to share it with. Your view may
not be the same as ours, but around. I’m sure you can
find some glimmers of beauty in your surroundings if
not but in the skies. Look up at the clouds floating by
and find the miracles in the makings. Don’t let sadness
to become all you see. Search for the joy that God has
planted in many places for us to find. Now I believe it’s
time for me to begin my little flashback tour of all that
I’ve written to see if I can find a good word or phrase
that might work well for the title of today’s brand new
poem. So, it’s away I go to that little place of my
recollection that I always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. I believe I might have stumbled upon a good
title just a bit back, so let’s see what I can do with it.
Here goes……..

Watching Over Us

Today tomorrow
and times that we find
He’s watching over us
within His design.
Scenes found as echoes
that now might display
might be the patterns
of a learning array.
Moments we’ve chosen
to not see what’s true
today and tomorrow
God might show to you.
When in our journeys
of wants to conceive
we might find problems
that we interweave.
God’s watching over us
knowing the best,
yet often allowing
our own to digest.
Allowing our problems
to become very clear
and seeing truly
what’s best to adhere.
Now might seem saddened
as tomorrow presides,
but there are answers
where Jesus resides.

©By Bill Pearce
Apr 1, 2013

Ok so how was that? Hehehe, I know it’s not an Easter poem,
but it will have to do . Now to find an ending to this before
I get into rambling mode again LOL. Oh yea, my bother in law
DD is still hanging in there. They have cut down on the Chemo
treatments because they were making him sicker. Of course
they are just a temporary fix. There’s no cure for his cancer,
but through God. If God sees that DD is needed on Earth more
years, then here he will stay. The cancer is in DD’s liver and
many other organs. Please, keep him and my sister Peggy in
your prayers. Also keep in prayer their kids Zack, Holly and
Whitney and their kids. DD is a good man. He’s been a great
help to my mom. So, now it’s time for me to be telling you what
I tell you every week and that is I wrote some more poems and
haiku. Yeppers, 10 more poems with 2 of them being sort of
Christmassy . Also I wrote 22 more haiku for all of the haiku
lovers out there. So with that said, I reckon it’s time for me
to be searching for that dad burned off switch, but not before
I wish you a most wonderful God filled week. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. Now to find that off switch
I think I can see it hiding under my keyboard hehehehehehe.
Yeppers, that’s it! I thought my keyboard was sitting a little
unleveled LOL. Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce

Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe

Tomorrows Page

Right now as sunshine
beams on the ground
tomorrows page is
snow lesser found.
Soon all the patterns
of snow here and there
will be all melted
from here everywhere.
In tomorrows page
the turning of time
might not be clearly
that now can define.
Springtime is coming
so slowly to be
here in New England
of which that I see.
Tomorrows page is
what might bestow
a little more winter
and a little more snow.
Springtime postponed
might display on stage
found within portions
of tomorrows page.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 30, 2013

Morning Comes Softly

The night finds glimmers
of sunrise
as the brightness
fills the skies.
Morning comes softly
soon to see
sights and sounds
God gave for free.
Soon the moonlight
and each star
will be shadows
near and far.
Morning comes softly
with its phase
filling up the
sunny days.
Even when morning’s
filled with clouds
there is beauty
to arouse.
Scenes surrounding
every sight
morning comes softly
after night.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 30, 2013

Many Windows

Waking praying
for a sign
found up here
of sweet springtime.
Many windows
open wide
letting in
what’s now applied.
Scenes of beauty
God has shown
many windows
I have known.
Blessings found as
timeless seeds
many windows
fill our needs.
It takes searching
to attain
what God’s given
daily gain.
Many windows
give a view
what that’s wondrous
and so true.
Yet so many
only see
many windows
sad debris.
While not looking
seeing clear
what God’s given
every year.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 30, 2013

Beyond This Threshold

While now is at hand,
it might not be good,
for it might just be
Letting your wanting’s
to take full control
beyond this threshold
might take its toll.
Find how that truly
you can be better
beyond this threshold
of maybe bad weather.
Often we’ll only
just find what’s insane
beyond this threshold
of time and again.
Let not your worries
to fill up your view.
Beyond this threshold
might show you anew.
Bringing you joyful
as time moves along
beyond this threshold
unto a new dawn.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 30, 2013

Christmastime Snowscape

Within my dreamland
I see truly so
a Christmastime snowscape
so full of snow.
A snowscape of beauty
that lives as a smile
reminding of Christmas
that’s all of the while.
A Christmastime snowscape
that comes well alive
allowing the magic
to always survive.
Soon even others
see what I see
a Christmastime snowscape
so happy and free.
Within my dreamland
of a white snowy shape
I find alive
this wondrous snowscape.
A picture so pretty
that hangs on the wall
inside of my mind
Spring Summer and Fall.
Winter then comes as
a flavor to find
painted with beauty
of great Christmastime.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 30, 2013

Various People

Many illusions
describe many views
various people
while viewing the news.
Not really seeing
what truth beholds
as every moment
truly unfolds.
Various people
only see wrong
what that they think
shall only belong.
Sometimes ones vision
is clouded by lies
not seeing clearly
what’s found in disguise.
Often our judgment
is based on a sight
as that of color
for what’s wrong or right.
Let not your vision
to lose what that’s true
while you continue
to do what you do.
Look beyond color
and gossiping kind.
Learn to look truly
at all God’s mankind.
We are all brothers
and sisters to see
even if you don’t
look a bit like me.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 30, 2013

I See Winter

It might be springtime,
I don’t know.
All I see is
tons of snow.
I see winter
very clear
even in this
time of year.
White snow falling
still in view
replacing what that
melted true.
I see winter
in each day
now in March
in every way.
The nights so cold
with chilling breeze
with a temp
of 20 degrees.
Yet the days
are sort of warm
that the weatherman
does inform.
But the temperature
I can see
is not springtime
one degree.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 30, 2013

Believing in Christmas

With hearts of love
and joy divine
ones believe
in Christmastime.
Believing in Christmas
brings alive
all of the joy
that will survive.
Not letting Christmas
to fall away
with each journey
day to day.
Let the blessings
live and breath
with dear Christmas
you believe.
Let God’s wonders
always shine
that of Jesus

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 30, 2013

With The Shadows

While walking in the
cold night air
I find my shadows
With the shadows
that I find
I can see
my point and time.
Little glimmers
of my stance
while I’m walking
to advance.
Seeking night light
in the scene
I find shadows
as a dream.
With the shadows
I recall
my each step
and standing tall.
Soon my shadows
fade away
leaving me
another day.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 30, 2013

Wasting Time

There’s no place
for wasted time
when there’s need
for good design.
Things achieved
through wasted days
leave so many
darks and grays.
So let not your
on design
to become just
wasting time.
Learn to rest
when need is there,
but then do
what time can spare.
Find the wasting
times you’ve led
and then put them
now to bed.
Yet there’s often
need for rest,
so then do your
very best.
Let those moments
wasting time
not be always
your design

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 30, 2013

for Mar 30, 2013

Without our shadows
we would not see the lessons
that we’ve encountered.

Losing your passion
will leave you with much sadness,
for passion creates.

A friendless lifestyle
makes morbid thoughts come alive
for they are empty.

Waking to sunrise
brings glimmers of a new day
alive with heartbeats.

Tomorrows thinking
could make now miserable,
for today is here.

Often ones problems
are just inside of their minds,
for answers will come.

Knowing a moment
and living it in real life
can make good or bad.

Beyond a flower
is a bud that will soon grow
hidden within time.

An ugly duckling
is a phrase that many use
describing growing.

Space is a venture
that you might find existing
where you never dreamt.

While many wonder,
others step out on their faith
to find out the truth.

A letter written
could come back to haunt one day
if it is harsh words.

Looks are just skin deep
and clothes only disguise you.
The truth is within.

The weather of time
comes repeating instances
that many forget.

Places we’ve been to
become many memories
inside of our mind.

Someone’s broken heart
could cause them to become weak.
Be strength in a storm.

Morning often shines
with its different arrays
of awakenings.

A leaf that falls down
does not end its own life there.
It becomes a seed.

When winter winds blow
they often leave trails of snow
piled up in a mound.

Hearing ones wording
doesn’t mean you heard clearly
and you understood.

A small argument
often leads to a large one
if it’s not stifled.

Two hearts found beating
can become one entity
as true love blossoms.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 30, 2013

God bless from Bill and Judy

Judy’s New Poetry book 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on UTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂